15 June 2009 - 19:30

The relation between ethics and politics in the philosophy of Farabi will be discussed in a conference entitled “ Farabi, Philosophy, Religion and Culture” in Almaty, Kazakhstan.

The two-day conference, which will kick off on May15, will cover a variety of topics such as the relation between ethics and politics in the philosophical view of Farabi, influence of Farabi on his successors, his influence on Kazakh figures, Farabi and philosophical schools after him, Farabi and needs of contemporary world, religion and philosophy from Farabi’s perspective, Farabi’s innovations in the fields of philosophy and discourse and Utopia in view of Farabi.

Some 25 articles from countries including Kazakhstan, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and the Islamic Republic of Iran have been submitted to the secretariat of the conference.

Iran’s cultural attaché office in Almaty is organizing the conference in association with the Center for International Cultural Studies and Kazakh Institute of Philosophy.