15 June 2009 - 19:30

The Department of Humanities at Gloucestershire University in UK is to host a conference on Shia Islam on April 28th.

According to the university’s website, the department has been hosting conferences on Islam for more than ten years but so far the themes have been on Sunni Islam only. So this year it was proposed that Shia Islam, the most important sect in Islam, should be the theme of the conference.

Titled “Shi’sm, past and Present”, the conference will discuss the origins, the distinctive beliefs and relations of Shia Islam with other faiths.

Distinguished speakers such as Bishop Kenneth Cragg, Dr Simonetta Calderini and Dr Arzina Lalani will lead the discussion to name a few.

“The Shia Tradition in Islam”, “The Concept of the Mahdi in Shi’a Islam”, “Women, Wealth and Inheritance under the Fatimids” and “Shi’ism and Christianity” are among the titles of papers to be presented at the conference.

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