The text of the statement which is signed by head of the Supreme Council at Qom's Society of Seminary Teachers Ayatollah Muhammad Yazdi is as follows:
In the Name of Allah, the Most Compassionate, the most Merciful
The inhumane massacre of Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar and the brutal violence against them is going on while the so-called international human rights defenders keep silent.
During this brutal mass slaughter of Muslims, men, women and children are being ruthlessly killed under the boots of colonial rulers in Myanmar for the sole reason that they oppose Islam and its teachings. The Rohingyas' lives and properties are being plundered; thousands of them have been dislocated by the severe hatred of Myanmar military and the radical Buddhists. International organizations, in a meaningful silence, only carry the title of defending human rights and do not take any actions to put an end to these brutalities.
The international bodies must admit their betrayal to humanity and human rights. What sort of human rights is this? A human rights which has turned to a political tool in the hands of world's imperialist powers instead of serving its intended purpose of preserving the dignity of mankind. It is nothing but useless propaganda; the slaughter of Muslims around the world from east to west has proved the slogan of these so-called human rights bodies to be an empty promise which is good for nothing.
The Society of Seminary Teachers of Qom condemns the genocide of Rohingya Muslims. We ask all freed men around the world and in Islamic countries to voice their solidarity with the innocent Muslims in Myanmar and do not allow these brutal crimes and violence remain hidden behind the treacherous silence of international organizations.
We also ask the Iranian officials, especially the ministry of foreign affairs, to voice their support for Rohingya Muslims and put this case on their agenda since The Islamic Republic of Iran has always been a pioneer in supporting the oppressed worldwide.
Muhammad Yazdi
Head of Supreme Council at Qom's Society of Seminary Teachers
23 July 2017 - 14:12
News ID: 843778

(AhlulBayt News Agency) - The Society of Seminary Teaches of Qom issued a statement in which they slammed Myanmar for the genocide of Rohingya Muslims and asked all freed men worldwide to voice their solidarity with innocent Muslims in Myanmar.