Terrorist group of the ISIS carried out an arrest campaign in several areas of the city of Mosul, northern Iraq, in search of suspects having links with the Iraqi army forces, local sources reported on Wednesday.
Media activist Abdulla al-Mulla said that ISIS militants raided a number of houses and public cafes in search of suspects “who are accused of spying for the Iraqi army and the Kurdish Peshmerga forces”.
Al-Mulla stressed that the Hisba members (ISIS security forces) accused dozens of civilians of having suspicious relations with the coalition forces along with the local ground troops.
“Daesh has blatantly entered the houses, shops and cafes in the city of Mosul and its environs,” al-Mulla said, using an acronym for ISIS.
The source pointed out that dozens of young men were arrested in the Yarmouk district of western Mosul.
This comes after confidential locations and headquarters for the terror group in the Yarmouk district were selectively hit by the coalition’s warplanes, causing heavy losses in ISIS ranks.
“Before the start of the security operation, ISIS called citizens over loudspeakers to evacuate their homes. The operation included extensive inspection campaigns on all communication devices, mobiles and computers,” al-Mulla stressed.
The source revealed that ISIS has recently intensified security campaigns on the residential areas, stepping up its presence among people, especially cafes, restaurants and schools, in a bid to arrest suspects for transferring information to the anti-ISIS forces.
17 March 2016 - 13:25
News ID: 741661

Terrorist group of the ISIS carried out an arrest campaign in several areas of the city of Mosul, northern Iraq, in search of suspects having links with the Iraqi army forces, local sources reported on Wednesday.