18 January 2023 - 10:08
Canada: Hamilton police begins probe into theft of Ibrahim Jame Mosque

Police have begun a probe into the theft of “various items” on the weekend from a King Street East mosque in Hamilton, Ont, Canada.

Ahlulbayt News Agency: Police have begun a probe into the theft of “various items” on the weekend from a King Street East mosque in Hamilton, Ont, Canada.

Investigators say the target was Ibrahim Jame Mosque at King Street just east of Sanford Avenue.

It’s alleged a man broke into the facility around 2 a.m. on Saturday, took items and then fled on foot.

The suspect was wearing a grey hooded jacket, blue jeans and winter boots, according to police.

Ibrahim Jame was the subject of a bomb threat just days before the break and enter which they say was tied to a “congregational prayer” session.

Hamilton police say a probe into that Jan. 6 occurrence is ongoing; they have not made any connection between that incident and Saturday’s robbery.

Anyone with information on either incident can reach out to Hamilton police or Crime Stoppers.
