28 October 2020 - 04:39
Iran Army calls on Muslim to eradicate anti-Islamism roots

Iran Amy called on all Muslims to unite for the eradication of the root of any anti-Islamism and arrogant criminals who are the enemies of pure Islam of Prophet of Mercy (PBUH).

AhlulBayt News Agency (ABNA):  Iran Amy called on all Muslims to unite for the eradication of the root of any anti-Islamism and arrogant criminals who are the enemies of pure Islam of Prophet of Mercy (PBUH).

The Army of the Islamic Republic of Iran issued a statement in reaction to the offensive move of French magazine Charlie Hebdo in insulting the Holy Prophet (PBUH) and the support of the French President from such anti-Islamic acts.

Here is the text of Amy’s statement:

The disgraceful act of Charlie Hebdo, also backed by the French president, once again revealed the anti-Islamism approaches of the false claimants of freedom of expression.

Human rights claimants attribute a French student's individual move against his teacher to the total identity of Islam, however, they consider the hurting of the feelings of 2 billion Muslims as freedom of expression for the sake of secularism.

Today, the Modern Ignorance of western powers resorts to derogatory measures to prevent the people in the western world from becoming aware and awake through the holy teachings of Islam which is the most perfect religion.

The Army of the Islamic Republic of Iran, while condemning these heinous and insulting acts, considers such move as the efforts of the Western powers and Zionist Regime who are prone to failure and extinction at the international level.

Iran Army calls on all Muslims around the world to unite against the arrogant criminals, to eradicate the root of any anti-Islamism, and also to reveal the evil face of the enemies of the real, pure Islam of Prophet Mohammad(PBUH) to the world.

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