15 January 2018 - 15:49
Ahlulbayt World Assembly's message on demise of Dr. Ahmed Hammoud

Ahlulbayt World Assembly has issued a message of condolences on demise of Dr. Ahmed Hammoud, prominent member of the General Assembly of Ahlulbayt World Assembly.

(AhlulBayt News Agency) - Ahlulbayt World Assembly has issued a message of condolences on demise of Dr. Ahmed Hammoud, prominent member of the General Assembly of Ahlulbayt World Assembly.

The full text of the message is as follows:


Surely, we belong to God; and to Him we shall surely return (Surah al-Baqarah Verse 156)  

The sad news of the death of the late Dr. Ahmed Abdul Majid Hammoud, the prominent university professor, researcher, author, and renowned academic figure in Australia, who was also an active member of the Ahlulbayt World Assembly, caused deep sorrow in our hearts.

Dr. Ahmed Abdul Majid Hammoud, was born in Bayt Lif village of Jabal Amel region in Lebanon.

He opened up the doors of the world of science and knowledge with his determined and tireless efforts, to be a role model for those who left education due to financial difficulties.

He received an honorary B.A. degree from the University of Sydney in Arabic language, and Ph.D. in Political Thought and History of Islam.

The late Dr. Hammoud has written numerous books, which have been massively published in Australia in Arabic and English languages and were welcomed by many readers among legal, cultural, and political classes of Australian society in general, and the youth in particular. Some titles of his books are as follows:

· A Survey on Sheikh Kulayni’s Tutors
· Obedience and Revolution in the Political Thought of Islam
· Imam Sadiq (a.s.); Man of Knowledge and Politics
· The Lifestyle of Prophet Mohammad (s.a.)
· The Status of Women in Islam
· Imam Mahdi (aj) and the Signs of His Second Coming
· A Brief Life History of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) from Imam Ali's Language in Nahj al-Balaghah
· Imam Hussein’s Revolution
· Obedience and Revolt at the Early Days of Islam

He had also published many articles in journals such as Al-Tawhid and the Message of Thaqalayn. Moreover, he participated in many interviews, attended various international conferences, and tried his utmost to defend Islam and its tenets through spreading Islamic teachings and knowledge.

This active member of the Ahlulbayt World Assembly had established the Amir al-Mu’menin Mosque in Sydney, which has been turned into the largest Islamic center in Australia. Dr. Hammoud co-operated with Shiite and Sunni brothers and established Al-Zahra Islamic Society with the help of other followers of Ahlulbayt.

He used to participate in all General Assembly meetings of the Ahlulbayt World Assembly.

He eventually departed this world a few days ago and met his Lord.

We, on behalf of all our members, affiliates, and representatives, extend our condolences on this sad occasion to the family members of the late Dr. Hammoud and the followers of Ahlulbayt in Lebanon and Australia.

We pray to Almighty God to elevate the status of Dr. Ahmed Hammoud in the hereafter and bestow patience and abundant rewards upon his relatives and pupils.

The Ahlulbayt World Assembly
14 January 2018

