14 January 2015 - 08:19
Sunni Cleric: Imam Reza Shrine a Center for Unifying Muslims

Sunni clerics "Imam Reza Shrine a center for developing unity and integrity among Muslim countries ...

One of the Sunni clerics from West Azerbayjan, province of Iran recognized the Imam Reza Holy Shrine as a center for developing unity and integrity among Muslim countries and also emphasized on the modeling of Prophet Muhammad’s (S.A.W.) conduct and also the lifestyle of his decendants and companions.

On the sideline of his visitation from the Holy Shrine of Imam Reza (A.S.), Fakher Gillani, accompanied by a group of clerics, stressed: Razavi Holy Shrine is a place for gathering all lovers of Ahl al-Bayt specially Hazrat Reza (A.S.) both for Shi'as and Sunnis.

Gillani who had come with a group of Sunni clerics to visit the Razavi Holy Shrine said: Announcing the solidarity with the dreams of Imam Khomeini (R.A.) and the Supreme Leader and emphasizing on the necessity of unity among all Muslim states on the basis of Qura’n and Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) was among the goals of this visitation from the Razavi Holy Shrine.

This Sunni cleric introduced the Holy Shrines of Imams (A.S.) as the best place for integrating and unifying all Shi'as and Sunnis and added: There is no difference between Sunnis and Shi'as in these places and the reason is to make prosperity and enlarging the Islamic sciences.

Referring to the affection of all Muslims including Sunnis and Shi'as to Hazrat Reza (A) he said: The Holy Shrine of Imam Reza (A.S.) is annually hosting millions of devoted people who come from far and close distances to enjoy the spiritual blessings in this illuminated shrine.

This Sunni cleric retreated: The glowing lights of Hazrat Reza’s (A.S.) personality and knowledge has lightened not only the Shi'a School but also has covered other sects of Sunnis. He also said that Hazrat Reza (A.S.) has a special and valuable scientific and spiritual position among Sunnis.

On the sideline of the visitation from Astan Quds Razavi’s center of exhibitions, this pilgrim of Razavi Holy Shrine said: Freshness, variety, and attraction of Astan Quds Razavi’s activities are very admirable and impressive for other nations.

Regarding his visitation from Astan Quds Razavi’s achievements he said: The summary of Astan Quds Razavi’s economic and cultural activities has beautifully covered in this collection and has been put into display for the public. He also said that these activities are very unique.

Expressing his pleasure for visiting Astan Quds Razavi’s exhibition, Gillani stated: Astan Quds Razavi has a very effective role in wide spreading and strengthening Muslim’s thinking.

 '​Alī ibn Mūsā al-Riḍā also called abu al-Hasan is commonly known as Ali al-Ridha (also spelled Imam Reza) (c. 29 December 765 – 23 August 818) is the eighth Shiite Imam after his father Musa al-Kadhim and before his son Muhammad al-Jawad; and was an Imam of knowledge according to the Zaydi (Fiver) Shia school and Sufis.

He lived in a period when Abbasid caliphs were facing numerous difficulties the most important of which was Shiite revolts.

The Caliph Al-Ma'mun thought out a remedy for this problem by appointing Al al-Ridha as his successor, through which he could involve the imam in the worldly affairs and consequently could turn the loyalty of his followers away from him. Later on, however, when Al-Ma'mun saw that the Imam gained even more popularity, decided to correct his mistake by poisoning him.

The Imam was buried in a village in Khorasan where afterwards gained its new name, Mashhad, the place of martyrdom

