10 December 2014 - 05:17
 ’Israel’ Fears Russia-Hezbollah Response to Syria Strike, Keeps Border Measures

The Israeli air strike against Syria has kept the main concern of the Zionist political and military analysts who considered that the main target of the raids is to prevent transporting the sophisticated arms from Syria to Lebanon.

The Israeli air strike against Syria has kept the main concern of the Zionist political and military analysts who considered that the main target of the raids is to prevent transporting the sophisticated arms from Syria to Lebanon.  

The Zionist analysts highlighted the complaint filed by Russia to the United Nations in protest of the Israeli airstrikes against Syria, considering that this reflects the  growing relations between Moscow and Hezbollah, especially that it followed the recent meeting between the party's Secretary General Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah and the Russian Deputy FM Michael Bogdanov.

The fear of Hezbollah response made the Israeli occupation army keep on alert at the entity's northern borders, restricting the civil flights and intensifying the military air missions. 
