14 August 2014 - 08:56
Sayyed Nasrallah: Hezbollah Ready to Fight ’Israel’ despite His Intervention in Syria

Hizbullah Secretary General, His Eminence Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, confirmed Thursday that there are no red lines in the security war with "Israel".

Hizbullah Secretary General, His Eminence Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, confirmed Thursday that there are no red lines in the security war with "Israel".

In an interview with al-Akhbar, His Eminence highlighted that "Israel" knows "who is equivalent to Hajj Imad Mughnyieh."

Back to the 2006 "Israeli" aggression on Lebanon, Sayyed Nasrallah stated that "the decision to capture the two "Israeli" soldiers was taken by Hizbullah Shura Council, months before the operation."

"The brothers [the Mujahedeen] used to enter to the area [of capture]- even to the Palestinian territories-, trap them [the "Israelis" ] for a while and then return and wait for the appropriate time."

He further recalled: "At the moment of the operation, we were following and we had already taken the necessary precautions and measures already planned for."

"The head of military operations moved to the place they should be in since the early moments. The hours that followed the repercussions weren't great and dangerous. We absorbed what happened in a good way because we prepared well for the battle. After we were sure that the "Israeli" soldiers were transferred to a place away from the line of fire, I moved to the press conference to announce the capture."

On the role of the Secretary General, Sayyed Nasrallah clarified that "for sure, the SG is the decision-maker in managing the Jihadi side. Of course, he doesn't direct the combat and jihadi units directly and technically."

"The Jihadi heads or whom we call the Jihadi assistants are responsible for that and they follow with the SG because he has the clear policies of the Shura council.. Thus, the SG is the side of decision-making, even on what is related to the battle on some events. He takes the decision in discussion some times and at other times in agreement with the Jihadi Council.

For example, this was the case with the territories we used to shell inside Occupied Palestine. It is not the field that will decide where to shell. We are to decide such stuff. When the decision is taken, the Jihadi officials would follow its implementation. They coordinate between the units, intelligence, the sides responsible for shelling and rockets' launching...

That means, when we say we are to enter the Haifa stage...this is a decision the kind of weapons to be used is also a decision. To attack "Saar 5" is also a decision. Such decisions are taken by the Jihadi Council and the SG, as he is the head of the Council, after discussing and coordinating with the brothers. The sides responsible for procedures are responsible for management. And I'll be informed about them.

Why do we say that this is a decision? Because every step has its circumstances. For example, to target Saar 5 means that we decided to attack a qualitative goal, that would have great consequences.

Second, as we used the weaponry for the first time, this means that the Jihadi Council decided to unveil a kind of arms not known to be in our hands.
After this decision, the discussion would turn to shed light on technical, executive, and implementing sides away from me that I won't interfere in; this is left to the specialists. Yes, when the Brother's contact me, they either tell me that "things are going fine" or that there are obstacles or difficulties. However, to solve them is their duty.

Another example is to hit Tel Aviv. This isn't a technical issue but a big decision. When Dahyieh [Southern Suburbs], and other Southern and Bekaa regions were being shelled, a serious discussion went on to decide whether we must hit Tel Aviv or not. As a result, we confirmed the "Beirut-Tel Aviv" [equation], Dahyieh and the remaining regions were any ways being excessively shelled. We said: "Let us create a new equation. If we could protect or help in protecting Beirut- for many reasons- let it be and this is better.

If this happened in 2006, would Tel Aviv be hit as it is being shelled from [seized] Gaza?

Of course, and much more. This is known and the "Israelis" know that. You are talking about missiles in various kinds and quantities. Of course, we had the ability to shell Tel Aviv. Otherwise, we don't threaten or talk about an equation that we aren't able to implement.

