5 August 2014 - 08:11
Pro-ISIL Sheikh Leads Blatant Enticing March against Lebanese Army in Tripoli

Enticing movements against the Lebanese army took place in the Lebanese Tabbaneh regions of northern city of Tripoli on Monday led by the wanted Shadi Mawlawi, raising flags of the so-called Al-Nusra Front and chanting anti-army slogans.

Enticing movements against the Lebanese army took place in the Lebanese Tabbaneh regions of northern city of Tripoli on Monday led by the wanted Shadi Mawlawi, raising flags of the so-called Al-Nusra Front and chanting anti-army slogans.

The protests coincided with another enticing campaign led by Al-Mustaqbal parliamentarian bloc MPs Moeen Mura'bi and Khaled Daher.

The march started from Tabbaneh mosques to protest against what the sheikhs who led the march called an attack on the people of Arsal by the Lebanese army.

Participants cut the roads of Zahrieh, Abu Ali Roundabout and Barrad Al-Bissar, along with raising anti-army banners, logos and slogans.

Once some demonstrators tried to progress toward army posts, soldiers fired tear gas and caused suffocation among protesters who have repeatedly tried to approach the army elements and did provocations and chanted anti-army slogans and insults, prompting the military units to suppress them.

Such moves followed incitement political movements led by MPs Moeen Mura'bi and Khaled Daher during a meeting held at the Daher's home, in which he threatened the army and its commander of paying a big price if the military campaign in Arsal didn't stop.

Mura'bi waged a relentless campaign against the army chief, accusing him of committing massacres to get to the Presidency of the Republic.

Inciting campaign against the army continues in a number of areas, urging the national military to raise readiness.

A number of those involved in attacks on army posts were also arrested.

The army launched a wide military campaign in the eastern region of Arsal after the arrest of a Syrian man accused of belonging to al-Qaeda's Syrian branch Al-Nusra Front.

Following his arrest, gunmen surrounded army posts before opening fire in a deliberate terrorist operation, sparking clashes that have killed at least 14 soldiers.

Arsal is hosting tens of thousands of Syrian refugees, and army chief Gen. Jean Qahwaji said Sunday that some of the gunmen had emerged from the informal refugee camps in the area.

