21 June 2014 - 05:59
Takfiris urge world to join ISIL terror bid in Mideast

British and Australian Takfiri extremists are using Internet sites to urge like-mided individuals across the world to join the Al-Qaeda-linked ISIL terrorists and support the insurgency campaign in Middle East nations.

British and Australian Takfiri extremists are using Internet sites to urge like-mided individuals across the world to join the Al-Qaeda-linked ISIL terrorists and support the insurgency campaign in Middle East nations.

The ISIL is hoping to recruit people from across the globe with the aid of YouTube appeals from English-speaking extremists. UK, Australian nationals are among the ISIL terrorists involved in a publicity campaign to draw support for the foreign-backed insurgency in Iraq and Syria.

A new propaganda clip uploaded to YouTube by ISIL’s AlHayat Media Center allegedly shows a line-up of terrorists who came to Syria and later to Iraq from all over the world.

“We have brothers from Bangladesh, from Iraq, from Cambodia, Australia and the UK,” says a terrorist called Abu Muthanna al-Yemeni, who himself comes from Britain, according to a video caption.

The terrorist claims that the land of Sham [Syria] is the best of lands, and that explains why so many extremists are fighting for control of the region. Referring to ISIL, he says: “I don’t know anybody else that has as many people as we do.”

“Look at the soldiers – we understand no borders… We have participated in battles in Sham, and we will go to Iraq in a few days, and we will fight there, God permitting, and come back, and we will even go to Jordan and Lebanon with no problems,” the ISIL terrorist says.

Another Australian extremist, Abu Nour al-Iraqi, calls on Americans, Australians and Europeans to join the insurgency in Syria and Iraq, saying that the reasons for that are “plenty,” with key one being the creation of a state ISIL wants to establish in the region.

The ISIL, which rose to power in the wake of the US-led 2003 invasion of Iraq, has become known for fighting alongside the West-backed insurgents in Syria and for its gruesome atrocities that even the international terror group Al-Qaeda now holds too radical.

According to reports, the terrorist group has major foreign sponsors, including some of the Persian Gulf dictatorships as well as Indonesia, and has even issued a glossy report claiming to be showing statistics of various types of attacks for its “stakeholders.”

