15 June 2009 - 19:30

The Islamic Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization -ISESCO-, in cooperation with the Observatory of Geopolitical Studies and the Faculty of Law’s Centre for International European and Comparative Law at the Paris Descartes University, will hold an international symposium, on 10 April in the French capital-city, on the theme, “Islam and Adaptation to the Contemporary World: Necessity of Ijtihad”.

The symposium which will be held at UNESCO headquarters in Paris will tackle two axes: Ijtihad and current problems and challenges and Ijtihad and the ways to cope with social developments and international changes.

Will take part in this event Arab and foreign intellectuals, academics and researchers.

The opening of this symposium will be presided over by Dr Abdulaziz Othman Altwaijri, Director General of the Islamic Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization.

This symposium is held as part of ISESCO’s efforts to publicize Islam and redress information on Islamic culture and civilization.

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