18 December 2024 - 20:09
The General Framework of Imam Khamenei’s Islamic Thoughts: A Path to Rationality and Spirituality

The Secretary-General of the AhlulBayt (a.s.) World Assembly said, “Imam Khamenei is a thoughtful, intellectual, jurist, and Islamic scholar whose knowledge and ideas can rescue humanity from suffering and pain. Through presenting the comprehensive plan of Islamic thought in the Quran, he has called humanity towards rationality and spirituality.”

AhlulBayt News Agency (ABNA): On Wednesday, December 18, 2024, Ayatollah Reza Ramazani delivered a speech at the 15th “Sun of Wilayat” conference commemorating the anniversary of the presence of the Supreme Leader in Iranshahr, Sistan and Baluchestan Province, during 1978 and 1979.

During the event, the Secretary-General of the AhlulBayt (a.s.) World Assembly stated, “This conference is held to honor a figure who has led the Islamic government of Iran and plays a significant role in today’s contemporary world. This conference is an opportunity to understand the character of our Leader, Imam Khamenei (may God protect him), who spent a period in exile in this city during the reign of the deposed Shah. However, he has mentioned in his statements that he did not feel estranged during his stay in this city.”

“Imam Khamenei is a thinker and intellectual in Islam and Islamic teachings,” he added. “Over 35 years of leading the Islamic system, he has invited humanity to dignity, rationality, and spirituality.”

“Our Leader, Imam Khamenei (may God protect him), today is the leader of the Islamic world. We consider the Leader of the Revolution an intellectual, thinker, jurist, and Islamic scholar whose framework of teachings and thoughts can save humanity from suffering and pain,” Ayatollah Ramazani added.

Referring to Ayatollah Khamenei’s 28-part series of lectures, which later formed the book “The General Framework of Islamic Thought in the Quran,” the member of the Assembly of Leadership Experts emphasized, “If this book is studied meticulously, the distinguished character and mastery of the Supreme Leader in Quranic knowledge and teachings is evident.”

“Many have studied and spoken about the Quran, but their perspective has been partial and selective, often overlooking the connections between verses related to ethics and upbringing,” the member of the Assembly of Leadership Experts added. “In contrast, the Supreme Leader views Islam as a comprehensive, universal, eternal, precise, and profound religion.”

“Islam addresses the various dimensions of human needs based on reality. Religion came to guide humanity. With a proper understanding of humans, religion’s perspective focuses on guiding humanity,” Ayatollah Ramazani added.

“Ayatollah Khamenei (may God protect him), in his book General Framework of Islamic Thoughts, precisely highlights the role of the prophets, especially the Holy Prophet (p.b.u.h),” stated the Secretary-General of the AhlulBayt (a.s.) World Assembly.

“In this framework, the Supreme Leader points to four fundamental principles: faith, the monotheistic system, justice, and prophethood. Faith refers to a belief that instills responsibility in individuals and nurtures responsible persons,” he emphasized.

Regarding the principle of the monotheistic system, Ayatollah Ramazani explained, “This principle points out that Islam calls on humanity and all Muslims to a monotheistic system. About the Justice principle: it has been the aspiration and ideal of all divine prophets. Establishing justice in all its dimensions requires sacrifices. As for the principle of prophethood, it emphasizes that divine prophets, as trustees and reminders, came to remind humanity of Fitrah-related blessings.”

The member of the Assembly of Leadership Experts remarked, “The general framework of Islamic thoughts in the Quran, by Imam Khamenei (may God protect him), presents a rational approach to religion. The Quran contains approximately 300 verses addressing rationality and contemplation.”

“Islam must be accompanied by religious rationality because it is this religious rationality that leads to a rational religion. If we speak to the world with this language, the world will thirst for these teachings and move away from intellectual and spiritual crises,” he emphasized.

“Today, the West is facing intellectual and spiritual crises. Many claimed they could eliminate the crises afflicting humanity. To this end, various schools of thought emerged but failed to achieve their goals,” Ayatollah Ramazani noted.

“The moral issues in the West are the result of humanism and liberalism, which have created numerous challenges,” the Secretary-General of the AhlulBayt (a.s.) World Assembly added. “The West has turned to fake and counterfeit spiritualities to such an extent that today, over 4,000 fake spiritualities are taught in Western universities. Islam, with its unique perspective, can save humanity from these crises. With an accurate depiction of prophethood and the Prophet’s mission to show the path and destination, we will realize that the Quran offers a comprehensive life program in all dimensions.”

Ayatollah Ramazani continued, “Figures like Hans Küng sought to introduce golden rules to the world. The golden rule is one that all nations and schools of thought can accept. Such rules are abundantly found in the Quran and the sayings of the Holy Prophet (p.b.u.h).”

“The essence of the teachings of the late Imam Khomeini (r.a.) and Imam Khamenei (may God protect him) is a monotheistic spirit. Despite all the existing global challenges, the spirit of hope injected into society by the Supreme Leader is the result of his monotheistic perspective,” the Secretary-General of the AhlulBayt (a.s.) World Assembly added.

“The concept of ‘Wilayat’ in the Quranic culture means guardianship accompanied by affection and kindness. This concept must fully manifest in the Islamic Wilayat,” he said.

“The spirit governing the Holy Quran is rationality, spirituality, a quest for justice, and justice-oriented principles. This governing spirit must be correctly interpreted and understood,” Ayatollah Ramazani said.

Regarding the Supreme Leader’s view of Wilayat in the Quran, the Assembly of Leadership Experts member stated, “Imam Khamenei (may God protect him) considers Wilayat one of the fundamental principles of the Quranic framework. Today, we witness the manifestation of Wilayat in our country. The power and emergence of Wilayat in human society are evident. This power, alongside the people and the ummah, creates global strength, which is the power of Islam.”

“Today, due to the unique characteristics of the Quran, wherever the teachings of this heavenly book are disseminated, people are drawn to it,” he expressed.

Ayatollah Ramazani, discussing human rights in the Quran, said, “The Holy Quran genuinely considers human rights. Religion and divine logic are marginalized in the entire Universal Declaration of Human Rights.”

“In the Western world, where religion is marginalized and not central to governance, no reaction or response is seen when sacred beliefs are insulted because they seek to desecrate religion,” the Secretary-General of the AhlulBayt (a.s.) World Assembly added.

“The two Imams of the Islamic Revolution of Iran (Imam Khomeini and Imam Khamenei) elevated the status of religion. The Islamic Republic of Iran does not allow insults to sacred beliefs, prophets, and Imams. The late Imam Khomeini (r.a.) and the Supreme Leader, through the general framework of Islamic thoughts, ensured that sanctities are respected, and the Islamic world reacts to even the slightest insult,” he emphasized.

Regarding the political position of Imam Khomeini and Imam Khamenei, Ayatollah Ramazani said, “The late Imam Khomeini (r.a.) and Imam Khamenei (may God protect him) have shone as religious politicians in the world. When meeting and conversing with the Supreme Leader, the greatest politicians in the world acknowledge his intellectual and political brilliance and greatness.”

Concluding his remarks, the member of the Assembly of Leadership Experts said, “The exalted Leader of the Islamic Revolution of Iran learned politics in the seminary and based on the teachings of the Quran and the AhlulBayt (a.s.), and he teaches the same perspective of the AhlulBayt (a.s.) and the Holy Prophet (p.b.u.h) to humanity. Imam Khomeini (r.a.) introduced political Islam to the world. This Islam can pave the way for realizing justice in human society.”


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