A number of Libyan protesters in the Tajura area closed the main port of the capital, Tripoli, for several hours on Friday evening, while chanting slogans demanding that the government be held accountable.
In Misrata, the birthplace of Abdel Hamid Al-Dbaiba, the head of the interim national unity government, dozens of citizens organized a protest march in the main city square, chanting slogans refusing normalization with Israel.
The government has remained silent since dozens of citizens in Tripoli and Misrata started demonstrating, after Mangoush’s remarks last week, but Al-Dbaiba, accused his opponents of exploiting young people with “money and drugs”, in an implicit reference to these protests.
Mangoush had earlier confirmed, in an interview with the Al-Jazeera 360 platform, which was broadcast last Monday night, that her meeting with Cohen was “coordinated between Israel and the national unity government”, denying that she was a party to “the arrangement of the meeting; the government arranged, and I conveyed the message,” she said.
She further explained that the meeting discussed security and strategic issues related to Libya’s resources and did not discuss normalization, accusing the government of evading its responsibility for arranging the meeting.