AhlulBayt News Agency

source : IRNA

5 February 2024

4:52:04 AM

No Iranians killed in attacks on Iraq, Syria: US officials

Some American officials, after evaluating the recent aerial raids on Iraq and Syria, have announced that they could not find any indication of the killing of members of Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps in the two Arab countries.

AhlulBayt News Agency (ABNA): Some American officials, after evaluating the recent aerial raids on Iraq and Syria, have announced that they could not find any indication of the killing of members of Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps in the two Arab countries.

CNN quoted 2 US defense officials as claiming that 84 of the 85 target of attacks in Iraq and Syria were destroyed or damaged.

They said the full assessment of the damage caused by strikes is still ongoing, but there is no indication that any Iranian military personnel were among those killed in the attacks.

America attacked Syria and Iraq on Saturday morning under the pretext of the killing of three soldiers in the American military base in Jordan.

In a statement, US Central Command (CENTCOM) had claimed that the American military launched airstrikes against the Quds Force of Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps and its affiliated resistance groups.

But Iranian sources quickly dismissed the claim.

The Al Jazeera network quoted informed sources as saying that the IRGC or the Quds Force did not have any bases in the areas hit by the US warplanes.


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