17 January 2015 - 15:14
Syria: Army’s crackdown on terrorist organizations continues unabated

Units of the Army and Armed Forces continued operations unabated against the strongholds of terrorist organizations all across the country, with the crackdown resulting in many terrorists getting killed and others wounded.

Units of the Army and Armed Forces continued operations unabated against the strongholds of terrorist organizations all across the country, with the crackdown resulting in many terrorists getting killed and others wounded.


Army units pounded gatherings of terrorists from Jabhat al-Nusra east of al-Mdawar village in the countryside of Hassia and killed other terrorists in Rajm al-Qassr and al-Ameriyeh in the countryside of the central province of Homs.


In the southern province of Daraa, a unit of the army killed members of takfiri terrorist organizations, while others were left wounded, in Busra al-Sham city in the countryside.


Other army units killed many terrorists and destroyed several of their vehicles in the towns of Mumtana and Mas’hara and in Tall Mas’hara and Tall al-Bzaq in the countryside of the southern province of Quneitra.


To the north of the country, numbers of terrorists were killed and others were wounded in al-Sermaniyeh, Abu al-Duhour and the area surrounding Sahl al-Rouj in the countryside of Idleb province.

