31 July 2014 - 05:06
Bahrain: Zionist aggression on Gaza is an attack on the whole Arab nation

The national democratic opposition parties in Bahrain stressed that the people of Bahrain stand by the Palestinian people and support their choice in defending their land and holy historical places and sites, a choice that represents the whole Arab nation.

The national democratic opposition parties in Bahrain affirm that the brutal Zionist aggression on Gaza is an aggression on the whole Arab nation, and that the historical responsibility falls on Arab governments and the Arab League to take a clear political decision to support the perseverance of the Palestinian people in the face of the Zionist war machine which represents terrorism in its worst monstrous face.

The national democratic opposition parties in Bahrain demand a stop to any form of normalization with the Zionist entity and the expulsion of Zionist ambassadors and officials from Arab and Islamic countries, and the activation of the Quds Committee by supporting the steadfastness of our people in Palestine, especially Quds and Gaza, and to practice political pressure to end the blockade and open the crossings and stop the aggression on Gaza.

They stressed that the people of Bahrain stand by the Palestinian people and support their choice in defending their land and holy historical places and sites, a choice that represents the whole Arab nation.

At the end of the demonstration, opposition forces in Bahrain said that the people of Bahrain rally in solidarity with Gaza, that Bahrainis are standing with Gaza people and their options, because the cause of Palestine is the cause of the whole Arab nation, and the opposition affirms the right of the Palestinian people to resist occupation and free their land and establish a Palestinian state with Quds as capital, and the right to return and sovereignty over every inch of the land of Palestine.

