17 July 2014 - 17:40
Shia noha khwan martyred in takfiri terrorist attack in Peshawar

Shia noha khwan (noha reciter) embraced martyrdom when takfiri terrorists of banned Sipah-e-Sahaba and Taliban opened fire upon him in Peshawar.

Shia noha khwan (noha reciter) embraced martyrdom when takfiri terrorists of banned Sipah-e-Sahaba and Taliban opened fire upon him in Peshawar, capital city of Khyber Pukhtoonkhwa province.

Sabah Ali was on way back to home from his Khams Jeweller shop when notorious takfiri terrorists ambushed him. He was noha khwan of Ganj Shaheed Matami Sangat. His namaz-e-janaza will be held at Imam Bargah Pathar Wala Ganj today.

Shia parties and leaders have condemned the unabated genocide against Shiites across Pakistan. Talking to the Shiite News, they demanded military operation to eliminate the takfiri terrorists.

