(Ahlul Bayt News Agency) - The opposition pointed out that the Friday protest has fulfilled the required legal proceedings but the authorities have faced it with illegal arbitrary and unconstitutional measures in order to ban it.
Ahlam AlKuzaie, head of Women Affairs department in AlWefaq National Islamic Society, said that the opposition will be back on streets to practice its right to protest starting next Friday regardless of the regime's ban since it is illegal and unconstitutional that contradicts with human rights. She mentioned that more than 330 protests have taken to streets over the last 35 days, but were confronted with repression and violations.
"In democratic states, people have every right to protest in Capitals, there is no reason to stop them, no authority has the right to ban peaceful protests, by this it is acknowledging itself to a repressive approach against freedoms", she added.
She sated that the opposition societies have decided to continue with peaceful protests as it is a universal right.
" There will be a protest next Friday on Budaiya highway, the opposition has delivered notice to authorities, but they refused to receive it". The opposition then followed up by sending the notice by fax and mail.
"We're not going out to raise tensions, we refuse a ban on citizens' rights to freedoms and we refuse distortion to the country's reputation through repression and violations. We refuse attacks on villages and house raids", she said, " the latest of the regime's ongoing outrageous violations is the targeting of Aqeel Abdul-Mohsin Habib, who was shot at close range and seriously injured yesterday".
Hasan Marzouq, vice-president of Unitary National Democratic Assemblage said at the press conference, "MOI is passing warnings and clear threats through the press to the opposition", he added, "this time the authorities are trying to prevent the protest by refusing to receive notice, this violates the law and constitution".
"Opposition leaders will participate in Fridays protest and we will continue our movement until demands are met".
Hasan Marzouq also mentioned that "Many martyrs were killed in protests, this means that the Interior Minister and his services use excessive force to suppress and kill during protests".
6 December 2012 - 09:24
News ID: 370029
In a press conference Wednesday afternoon, the Bahraini opposition declared its intention to protest next Friday, after the regime has banned a serious of protests and marches over more than 35 days.