Ahlul Bayt (AS) News Agency - ABNA: The will of Imam Ali (AS) is one of the most important Islamic texts, containing ethical, social, and political lessons for all times. It is not only addressed to his children and companions but offers a guiding light for all those who seek truth and justice.
In this will, Imam Ali (AS), with a tone of both affection and warning, emphasizes the importance of piety: "Be mindful of God and adopt piety, for it is the best provision for your journey to Him." He describes the world as fleeting and urges people to prepare for the eternal life to come.
Imam Ali (AS) speaks of people's rights, especially the rights of orphans and the poor, considering them a divine trust: "Fulfill their rights and do not neglect them." He also sheds light on the importance of good character: "Treat people with kindness and avoid cruelty." Moreover, he calls upon the Muslim community to remain united, warning that division leads to destruction.
Imam Ali (AS) considers enjoining good and forbidding evil to be the duty of every Muslim and offers a final piece of advice: "Be patient in times of hardship, for patience is the key to salvation."
This will is not just a historical document, it is an eternal guide for individuals and societies striving for righteousness, justice, and faith.
Al-Sahih min sirat al-Imam 'Ali (a), Al-Sayyid Ja'far Murtada al-'Amili.
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