22 December 2024 - 05:38
Lady Fatima’s Duas on every day of the week

Fatimah (s.a.) supplicated Allah on every day of the week with a special du’a. The following are her du’as of the week days:

Hazrat Fatimah az- Zahra’s (S.A.) Duas on every day of the week

By: Baqir Shareef al-Qurashi

Fatimah (s.a.) supplicated Allah on every day of the week with a special du’a. The following are her du’as of the week days:

Her Du’a on Saturday
“O Allah, open to us the treasures of Your mercy, and give us, O Allah, a mercy that You torture us after it neither in this life nor in the afterlife, give us from Your wide favor a halal (lawful), good livelihood, do not make us in neediness, do not make us need other than You, make us more grateful to You, and make us more in need to You and satisfied and abstinent with You than any other than You.

O Allah, enrich us in this life. O Allah, we seek Your protection from turning Your face away from us in a case where we look forward to You in it! O Allah, have blessing on Muhammad and the progeny of Muhammad, and give us what You like, and make it strength to us in what You like, O You the Most Merciful of the merciful!”

Her Du’a on Sunday
“O Allah, make the first of this day prosperity, the middle of it, righteousness, and the last of it success! O Allah, have blessing on Muhammad and the progeny of Muhammad, and make us from those who turn to You and You receive them, and rely on You and You satisfy them, and beg You and You are Merciful to them…”

Her Du’a on Monday
“O Allah, I ask You for strength in worshipping You, insight in Your Book, and understanding in Your commands. O Allah, have blessing on Muhammad and the progeny of Muhammad, and do not make the Qur'an barren with us, the straight path crooked, and Muhammad (blessings of Allah be on him and on his progeny) averting from us!”

Her Du’a on Tuesday
“O Allah, make the inadvertence of people as a mention to us, and make their mention as gratitude to us, and make the good we say by our tongues as a true intention in our hearts. O Allah, Your forgiveness is greater than our sins, and Your mercy is more hopeful than our deeds. O Allah, have blessing on Muhammad and the progeny of Muhammad, and lead us rightly to the good deeds and right doings…”

Her Du’a on Wednesday
“O Allah, guard us by Your eye that does not sleep, by Your shelter that is beyond reach, and by Your great attributes. O Allah, send blessing on Muhammad and his progeny, and keep for us what if other than You keeps, it will be lost, and cover for us what if other than You covers, it will be exposed, and make all that obedient to us, for You are the Hearing of du’a, Near, Responder…”

Her Du’a on Thursday
“O Allah, I ask You for guidance, piety, chastity, and the doing of what You like and please. O Allah, I ask You from Your might for our weakness, from Your richness for our poverty, and from Your patience and knowledge for our ignorance. O Allah, send blessings on Muhammad and the progeny of Muhammad, and assist us in thanking, mentioning, obeying and worshipping You by Your mercy, O You the Most Merciful of the merciful.”

Her Du’a on Friday
“O Allah, make us the nearest of those who come near to You, the best of those who turn to You, and the most successful of those who ask and supplicate You. O Allah, make us from those who as if they see You until the Day of Resurrection when they will meet You, and do not make us die except on Your satisfaction. O Allah, make us from those who are sincere to You in their deeds, and the most beloved to You from among all Your people. O Allah, send blessings on Muhammad and the progeny of Muhammad, and forgive us with definite forgiveness that we do not commit an error after it, nor do we engage in a sin or an offence. O Allah, bless Muhammad and the progeny of Muhammad with growing, continuous, pure, successive, recurrent blessing by Your mercy, O You the Most Merciful of the merciful.”(Bihar al-Anwar, vol.90 p.338-339).

You can easily see in these du’as the essence of Islam and the true faith in Allah that Fatimah (s.a.) had.
