Desecration of the house of Hazrat Fatima Zahra (S.A.)

Recently, a person unknown of history of Islam in Sistan and Baluchestan region has written an article about the honorable daughter of Prophet (s.a.) and named it “Legend of Martyrdom of Fatima Zahra (a.s.)”. This person wanted to deny her martyrdom and disrespect which had done to her after expressing her superiorities.
According to the fact that a part of this article is clear falsification of history of Islam, we decided to write about this falsification and saying some parts of these truths in order to prove that martyrdom of Lady of Islam is an undeniable fact and if they didn’t began such a discussion, we did not follow that in these conditions.
Contents of our expressions in this article are as follows:
1-Infallibly of Zahra (a.s.) in the words of Prophet (s.a.).
2-Respect to the house of her holiness in Qur'an and tradition.
3-Desecration of her house after the departure of her superior father.
We hope that by explaining these triple points, author of that article respects to the truth and repents from his act and began to compensate what he had done.
It is important to know that all matters written here are taken from famous Sonni resources.

1- Infallibly of Zahra (a.s.) in the words of Prophet (s.a.).
Honorable daughter of Prophet (s.a.) has eminent rank. Words of holy prophet (s.a.) about his daughter tell her infallibly and innocence. He says about her:
"فاطمه بضعة منّی فمن أغضبها أغضبنی


Fatima is a part of my body, anyone who made her angry, has made me angry.
It is an obvious matter that making Prophet (s.a.) angry is equal to annoying and disturbing him and the penalty of such a person has been said in holy Qur'an as follows:

والّذین یؤذون رسول الله لهم عذابٌ ألیم

” (Tawba Sura, verse 61).
“And those how annoy prophet of Allah then there is a painful penalty for them”.
What proof more can be more reliable for her infallibly than this expression from Prophet (s.a.) who says in another Hadith that her satisfaction is the reason of satisfaction of Allah and her anger caused the anger of Allah.
یا فاطمة انّ الله یغضب لغضبک و یرضی لرضاک2
“Fatima! Indeed Allah will be angry with your anger and he will be satisfied with your satisfaction”.
According to such an eminence, she is the lady of all women of the world and Prophet says about him:
یا فاطمة! ألا ترضین أن تکون سیّدة نساء العالمین و سیّدة نساء هذه الأمّة و سیّدة نساء المؤمنین؟


“Fatima! Aren’t you satisfied of this superiority which Allah has given to you to be the lady of women of both worlds and the lady of women of this nation and the lady of believer women?”
1- Fath Albari in the explanation of Sahih of Bokhari: 84/7 and also Bokhari has mentioned this in the section of signs of prophecy, vol. 6, page 491 and the ending sections of Maghazi, vol. 8, page 110.
2- Mustadrak of Haakem: 154/3; Majma’ Al-Zawa’ed: 203/9 and Haakem mentions Ahadith in order to fulfill the conditions which Bokhari and Muslims considered necessary to prove a Hadith.
3- Mustadrak of Haakem: 156/3.

2- Respect to the house of her holiness in Qur'an and tradition.
Hadith tellers remind that when the holy verse
فی بیوت أذن الله أن ترفع و یذکر فیها اسمه


(Noor Sura, verse 36) descended to Prophet (s.a.), he recited this verse in mosque, and at that time a person stood up and said: Eminent Prophet! What is the purpose of “بیوت” (houses) with such a high importance?
Prophet (s.a.) answered: Houses of prophets!
At that time Abu Bakr stood up and, while he was pointing to the house of Ali and Fatima (a.s.), asked: Is this house one of those houses?
Prophet (s.a.) answered: Yes, it is one most eminent of them.(2)
Holy prophet (s.a.) had been going to the house of his daughter for nine months and said hello to her and her dear husband and recited this verse for them:

انّما یرید الله لیذهب عنکم الرّجس أهل البیت و یطهّرکم تطهیر

. (Ahzab Sura, verse 33)(3)
The house which is the center of light of Allah and he has ordered to endearment of that has lots of respect.
Yes, the house which holds the “companions of Kasa (cloak)” in it and Allah talks about it with eminence and superiority should be respectful to all Muslims.
Now, we should see that how much the respect of this house had been observed after the departure of prophet (s.a.)? How they disrespect that house and they confessed to this truth themselves? Who were these people who desecrated this house and what was their goal?
1- (The light of Allah) is in houses that Allah has permitted their dignity to be raised and his name recites in them.

قرأ رسول الله هذه الآیة (فى بیوت أذن الله أن ترفع و یذکر فیها اسمه» فقام إلیه رجل: فقال: أی بیوت هذه یا رسول الله(صلى الله علیه وآله)؟ قال: بیوت الأنبیاء، فقام إلیه أبوبکر، فقال: یا رسول الله(صلى الله علیه وآله): أ هذا البیت منها، ـ مشیراً إلى بیت علی و فاطمة(علیهما السلام) ـ قال: نعم، من أفاضلها

(Al-Dorr Al-Manthoor: 230/6; Explanation of Noor Sura, Rooh Al-Ma’aani: 174/18)
3- Dorr Al-Manthoor: 606/6.

3- Desecration of the house of her holiness!
Yes, with all these emphasized recommendations, unfortunately some people ignore the respect of that house and desecrated it, and this is not an issue which can be hid.
We quoted some text exactly the same as they are in Sonni books in order to clear the fact that desecration of house of Zahra (a.s.) is a historical incident and it is not a legend!! And while it was a custom to censor the superiorities in the age of first caliphs, but as “the truthfulness of a thing is its guardian” this historical fact has been remained safe in historical and Hadith books and we observe the sequence of times in quoting the resources from the beginning centuries to the contemporary authors.

1- Ibn Abi Shiba and the book “Musannaf”
Abu Bakr ibn Abi Shiba (159-235), author of the book “AL-Musannaf”, quotes with reliable evidence that:

انّه حین بویع لأبیبکر بعد رسول الله (صلى الله علیه وآله) کان علی و الزبیر یدخلان على فاطمة بنت رسول الله، فیشاورونها و یرتجعون فی أمرهم


فلما بلغ ذلک عمر بن الخطاب خرج حتى دخل على فاطمة، فقال: یا بنت رسول الله (صلى الله علیه وآله) و الله ما أحد أحبَّ إلینا من أبیک و ما من أحد أحب إلینا بعد أبیک منک، و أیم الله ما ذاک بمانعی إن اجتمع

هؤلاء النفر عندک أن امرتهم أن یحرق علیهم البیت.

قال: فلما خرج عمر جاؤوها، فقالت: تعلمون انّ عمر قدجاءَنی، و قد حلف بالله لئن عدتم لیُحرقنّ علیکم

البیت، و أیم الله لَیمضین لما حلف علیه.7
When people accepted Abu Baker as their caliph, Ali (a.s.) and Zubayr were discussing and consulting in the house of Fatima (a.s.), and this news had been reached Omar ibn Khattab. He came to the house of Fatima (a.s.) and said: Daughter of prophet of Allah (a.s.)! The dearest person for us is your father and after his it is you; but I swear to Allah that this affection cannot prevent from ordering to burn the house down if these people get together again in your house
He said these words and leave there. When Ali (a.s.) and Zubayr returned home, honorable daughter of Prophet (s.a.) told them: Omar came to me and swore to Allah to burn this house on you if your congregation repeats. Swear to Allah! He will do the thing that he has sworn!(1)
We reminded that this incident has been quoted in the book “Al-Musannaf” with reliable evidence.
Musannaf of Ibn Abi Shiba: 572.8, the book Al-Maghazi.
Balazari and the book “Ansab Al-Ashraf
Ahmad ibn Yahya Jaber Baghdadi Balazari (died 270), famous author and owner of great history, quotes this incident in the bookAnsab Al-Ashraf” as follows:
انّ أبابکر أرسل إلى علىّ یرید البیعة فلم یبایع، فجاء عمر و معه فتیلة! فتلقته فاطمة على الباب.
فقالت فاطمة: یابن الخطاب، أتراک محرقاً علىّ بابی؟ قال: نعم، و ذلک أقوى فیما جاء به أبوک ...1
Abu Bakr sent for Ali (a.s.) in order to take his pledge of allegiance and Ali (a.s.) refused. Then Omar went with a fuse and met Fatima (a.s.) at the doorway of the house; Fatima (a.s.) said: Son of Khattab! I see that you are intending to burn my house?! Omar said: Yes, this act is for helping the thing that your father has been chosen for!!

Ibn Qutayba and the book “Al-Imama wa Al-Siasa
Famous historian Abdullah ibn Muslim ibn Qutayba Dinawaree (212-276) is one of the leaders of literature and hard working author in the field of Islamic history. He is the author of the books
تأویل مختلف الحدیث"

ادب الکاتب"
and … .(2) He writes in the book “Al-Imama wa Al-Siasa”:

انّ أبابکر رضی الله عنه تفقد قوماً تخلّقوا عن بیعته عند علی کرم الله وجهه فبعث إلیهم عمر فجاء فناداهم و هم فی دار علی، فأبوا أن یخرجوا فدعا بالحطب و قال: والّذی نفس عمر بیده لتخرجن أو لاحرقنها على من فیها، فقیل له: یا أبا حفص انّ فیها فاطمة فقال، و إن!!(3

Abu Bakr asked about the absence of those who had refused to give him the pledge of allegiance and had congregated in the house of Ali (a.s.) and sent Omar for them. He went to the house of Ali (a.s.) and called them to exit the house and they ignored him. At that time Omar asked for firewood and said: Swear to the God who has the life of Omar in his hands, exit the house or I’ll burn it on you. A man told Omar: O Aba Hafs (his nickname)! There is Fatima (a.s.), the daughter of Prophet (s.a.) in this house. He said: So what!!
Ibn Qutayba has written the rest of this story more plaintive and painful. He says:

ثمّ قام عمر فمشى معه جماعة حتى أتوا فاطمة فدقّوا الباب فلمّا سمعت أصواتهم نادت بأعلى صوتها یا أبتاه رسول الله ماذا لقینا بعدک من ابن الخطاب، و ابن أبیقحافة فلما سمع القوم صوتها و بکائها انصرفوا. و بقی عمر و معه قوم فأخرجوا علیاً فمضوا به إلى أبیبکر فقالوا له بایع، فقال: إن أنا لم أفعل فمه؟ فقالوا: إذاً و الله الّذى لا إله إلاّ هو نضرب عنقک...(4

Omar accompanying a group came to the house of Fatima (a.s.) and knocked the door. When she heard their voiced, said in a loud voice: O prophet of Allah! What sorrows happened to us after you by son of Khattab and Abi Qahafa (nickname of Abu Bakr). When people who were with Omar heard the voice of Zahra (a.s.) and her cry, returned; but Omar remained with a group and brought out Ali (a.s.) and took him to Abu Bakr. They told him to obey and give the pledge of allegiance, Ali (a.s.) said: What happens if I do not obey? They said: We swear to Allah who there is no one except him; we will cut your head off …
Surely, this part of history is hard and not pleasant for adherents of Sheikhs and therefore they tried to doubt about the reference of this book to Ibn Qutayba, while Ibn Abi Al-Hadid, one of masters of historians, knows this book as one of his writings and continuously quotes from that. Unfortunately, this book has been falsified and some parts of it have been omitted during printing while those parts is available in explanation of Nahjul Balagha, written by Ibn Hadid, quoted from the same book.
“Zarkali” consider this book from writings of Ibn Qutayba in the book “Al-A’laam” and then adds that: some of scholars have opinion in this reference. It means that he refers the doubt to other not himself. Also Elias Sarkis(5) considers this book as one of writings of Ibn Qutayba.
1- Ansab Al-Ashraf: 586/1 printed in Dar al-Ma'arif, Egypt
2- Al-A’lam by Zarkali: 137/4.
3- Al-Imama wa Al-Siasa: 12, printed in Great Commercial Office, Egypt
4- Al-Imama wa Al-Siasa, page 13.
5- Collection of Arabic Publications: 212/1.
4) Tabari and his history book
Mohammad ibn Jarir Tabari (died 310) quotes the incident of intending to desecration of house of afflatus in his history book as follows:

أتى عمر بن الخطاب منزل علی و فیه طلحة و الزبیر و رجال من المهاجرین، فقال و الله لاحرقن علیکم أو لتخرجنّ إلى البیعة، فخرج علیه الزّبیر مصلتاً بالسیف فعثر فسقط السیف من یده، فوثبوا علیه فأخذوه.(1

Omar ibn Khattab came to the house of Ali (a.s.), while a group of immigrants (Mohajirin) were congregated there. He told them: I swear to Allah that I’ll burn the house, except you come out for giving the pledge of allegiance. Zubayr came out while he had a sword in his hand. Suddenly, he slipped and sword fell from his hand to the ground. At this point others attacked him and took his sword.
This part of history tells that taking the pledge of allegiance was done with threatening and intimidation, now what value can have this kind of pledge? Reader should judge.
1- Tabari history book: 443/2, printed in Beirut

5) Ibn Abd Rabboh and the book “Al-Aghd Al-Fareed”
Shahabuddin Ahmad known as “Ibn Abd Rabboh Andalusi”, author of the book “Al-Aghd Al-Fareed” (died 463) has written an explained discussion about the history of Saqifa and writes under the title of those who refused to give the pledge of allegiance to Abu Bakr as follows:

فأمّا علی و العباس و الزبیر فقعدوا فی بیت فاطمة حتى بعثت إلیهم أبوبکر، عمر بن الخطاب لیُخرجهم من بیت فاطمة و قال له: إن أبوا فقاتِلهم، فاقبل بقبس من نار أن یُضرم علیهم الدار، فلقیته فاطمة فقال: یا ابن الخطاب أجئت لتحرق دارنا؟! قال: نعم، أو تدخلوا فیما دخلت فیه الأُمّة!(1

Ali (a.s.) and Abbas and Zubayr were in the house of Fatima (a.s.) when Abu Bakr sent Omar ibn Khattab in order to take them out of the house and said to him: If they refuse, fight them! And at that point Omar went with fire to the house of Fatima (a.s.) in order to burn that house and met Fatima (a.s.). Daughter of Prophet (s.a.) said: Son of Khattab! Did you come for burning our house? He answered: Yes, except that you enter to the thing that nation has entered into!
The part which has been affirmed the intention of desecration in it finished and now we go for the second part which talks about performing this evil intention!
It should not be assumed that they only wanted to threaten and intimidate Ali (a.s.) and his companions and they did not want to perform that evil intention.
In continue of this discussion you will see that they performed this great crime!
1- Aghd Al-Fareed: 93/4, printed in Maktabat Al-Helal.
Attack had performed!
At this point word of those who only pointed to the misintention of Caliph and his companions have ended, a group which didn’t want or couldn’t to clear the rest of the tragedy, while some others has been pointed to the main tragedy which was the attack to the house and … and has somewhat removed the mask of truth. Now, we refer to the evidences of attach and desecration here: (Also, in this part sequence of times of resources has been almost observed.)

6) Abu Obaid and the book “Al-Amwal”
Abu Obaid Ghasem ibn Salaam (died 224) quotes in his book “Al-Amwal” which is reliable to Faqihs of Islam that: Abdurrahman ibn Awf says: I went to the house of Abu Bakr for visiting him when he was ill, after long discussion he told me: I wish that if I had not done three things which I have done, as I wish that if I had done three things which I have not done. Also I wish that if I asked three things from Prophet (s.a.).
But those three things which I have done and I wish that if I had not done are:
1. وددت انّی لم أکشف بیت فاطمة و ترکته و ان اغلق على الحرب


If I had not opened the curtain of sanctity of the house of Fatima (a.s.) and left it alone, although it had been closed for fight.
When Abu Obaid reaches the sentence
"لم أکشف بیت فاطمة و ترکتة ..."
کذا و کذ
(and so on) and ads that I do not want to recite that!
But anytime that Abu Obaid had refused to recite the truth according to his religiosity or other reason, researchers of the book “Al-Amwal” write in footnotes that missing sentences are available in the book “Mizan Al-E’tedal” (as it has been quoted). Moreover, “Tabarani” in his “Mo’jam” and “Ibn Abd Rabboh” in “Al-Aghd Al-Fareed” and others have mentioned the missing sentences. (Attention

1- Al-Amwal: footnote 4, printed in Azhariyya publishing, Al-Amwal, 144, Beirut and also Ibn Abd Rabboh has quoted in Aghd Al-Fareed: 93/4 as it will be mentioned.

7) Tabarani and “Mo’jam Al-Kabir”
Abolghasem Suleiman ibn Ahmad Tabarani (260-360) whom Dhahabi says about him in “Mizan Al-E’tedal”: He is a reliable person(1) reminds in “AL-Mo’jam Al-Kabir”, which has been printed several times, when he talks about Abu Bakr and his sermons and his death:
Abu Bakr wished for some jobs when he was dying.
I wish that if I had not done three things.
I wish that if I had done three things.
I wish that if I had asked three things form prophet of Allah (s.a.).
He says about those three things which he had done and whished that if he had not done them:

أمّا الثلاث اللائی وددت أنی لم أفعلهنّ، فوددت انّی لم (2)أکن أکشف بیت فاطمة و ترکتة

Those three things which I wish if I had not done, I wish if I had not desecrated the house of Fatima (a.s.) and left it alone.
These expressions show clearly that threatenings of Omar had been performed.
1- Mizan Al-E’tedal: 195/2.
2- Great Mo’jam of Tabari: 63/1, Hadith number 34, research by Hamdi Abdul Majid Salafi.

8) Ibn Abd Rabboh and “Al-Aghd Al-Fareed”
Ibn Abd Rabboh Andalusi, author of the book “Al-Aghd Al-Fareed” (died 463), quotes from Abdurrahman ibn Awf: I came to visit Abu Bakr when he was ill; he said: I wish that I had not done three things and one of those three things is:
وودت انّی لم أکشف بیت فاطمة عن شی و إن کانوا اغلقوه على الحرب


If I had not opened the curtain of sanctity of the house of Fatima (a.s.) and left it alone, although they had closed the door of the house for fight.
And also the names and expressions of persons who have quoted this part of words of Caliph will be mentioned.
1- Aghd Al-Fareed: 93/4 printed in Maktabat Al-Helal.

9) Words of Nazzam in the book “Al-Wafi Bil-Wafiyyat”
Ibrahim ibn Sayyar Nazzam Mu’tazili (160-231) who is called “Nazzam” according to the beauty of his words in plain text and poems quoted the incident after presence at the house of Fatima (a.s.) in several books:
انّ عمر ضرب بطن فاطمة یوم البیعة حتى ألقت المحسن من بطنها


Omar stroke to the abdomen of Fatima (a.s.) in the day of taking pledge of allegiance for Abu Bakr; she aborted the child who she has inside and had named him Mohsen! (Attention

1- Al-Wafi Bil-Wafiyyat: 17/6, number 2444; Mellal wa Nahl by Shahrestani: 57/1, printed in Dar al-Ma'rifa, Beirut, and in the translation of Nazzam refer to the book “Discussions in Mellal and Nahl”: 248/3 - 255.

10) Mubarrad in the book “Kamel”
Mohammad ibn Yazid ibn Abdul Akbar Baghdadi (210-285), litterateur and famous writer and owner of valuable books, quotes the story of wishes of caliph from Abdurrahman ibn Awf in his book “Kamel” and reminds that:
1. وددت انّی لم أکشف بیت فاطمة و ترکته ولو أغلق على الحرب


If I had not opened the curtain of sanctity of the house of Fatima (a.s.) and left it alone, although it is closed for fight.
1- Explanation of Nahjul Balagha: 46/2 and 47, printed in Egypt

11) Mas’oodi and “Moravej Al-Zahab”
Mas’oodi (died 325) writes in “Moravej Al-Zahab”: The time that Abu Bakr said, when he was dying: I had done three things and I wish that if I had not done them; one of those three things:
فوددت انّی لم أکن فتشت بیت فاطمة و ذکر فی ذلک کلاماً کثیراً


I wish if I had not desecrated the house of Zahra (a.s.) and he talk about it too much!!
Although Mas’oodi has good inclinations to Ahl -e- Bait, but here he abstains from quoting the words of caliph and passes only pointing a little; albeit Allah knows and maybe his servants also know!
1- Moravej Al-Zahab: 301/2, printed in Dar Andalusia, Beirut

12) Ibn Abi Daram in the book “Mizan Al-E’tedal”
Ahmad ibn Mohammad” known as “Ibn Abi Daram”, famous Kufi Hadith teller (died 357), person whom Mohammad ibn Ahmad ibn Hamad Kufi says about him:"

کان مستقیم الأمر، عامة دهره

(He was seeking in the way of truth all of his life), quotes according to this situation that this news had been said at his presence:
انّ عمر رفس فاطمة حتى أسقطت بمحسن


Omar kicked Fatima (a.s.) and she aborted the child called Mohsen whom she had inside! (Attention

1- Mizan Al-E’tedal: 459/2.

13) Abdel Fattah Abdel Maqsood and the book “Al-Imam Ali”
He has quoted the attack to the house of afflatus in two places of his book, and we suffice to mention one of them:

و الّذی نفس عمر بیده، لیَخرجنَّ أو لأحرقنّها على من فیها...»!
قالت له طائفة خافت الله، و رعت الرسول فی عقبه:
«یا أبا حفص، إنّ فیها فاطمة...»!
فصاح لایبالی: «و إن...»!
و اقترب و قرع الباب، ثمّ ضربه و اقتحمه...
و بداله علىّ...
و رنّ حینذاک صوت الزهراء عند مدخل الدار... فان هى الا طنین استغاثة ... .(1

I swear to person who the life of Omar is in his hands, come out or I’ll burn the house over its residents.
Some people who have fear of God and observed the dignity of Prophet (s.a.) after him, said: Aba Hafs! Fatima is in this house!”
He shouted fearlessly: “So what!!”
He got close, knocked the door, then punched and kicked in order to enter by force.
Ali (a.s.) appeared …
The sound of Zahra arose at the doorway … this was her groan of help …!
We finish this discussion with another Hadith from “Muqatil ibn Atiyya” in the book “Al-Imama wa Al-Siasa”. (Although there are lots of unsaid to be said

He writes in this book:

ان ابابکر بعد ما اخذ البیعة لنفسه من الناس بالارهاب و السیف و القوّة ارسل عمر، و قنفذاً و جماعة الى دار علىّ و فاطمه(علیه السلام) و جمع عمر الحطب على دار فاطمه و احرق باب الدار!...(2

When Abu Bakr took the pledge of allegiance from people by threatening, sword and force, sent Omar, Qanfaz and a group of persons to the house of Ali and Fatima (a.s.); and Omar collected firewood and burnt the door of the house …
And there are other expressions below this cabbala which my pen is ashamed of writing them.
Conclusion: Do they say again “legend of martyrdom …!” by this much of clear proofs and evidences which mostly are quoted from their resources?
Where is Fairness?!
Surely, anyone who read this short and documentary discussion with clear proofs understands that after the departure of prophet of Allah (s.a.) what a tumult began, and what they had done to gain the power and reign and this is the divine last word for all far from fanaticism freethinkers, because we did not write anything from ourselves, all that we have written is from their trustful resources.
1- Abdel Fattah Abdel Maqsood, Ali ibn Abu Talib: 276/4 - 277.
2- The book Al-Imama and Al-Khilafa, page 160 and 161, written by Muqatil ibn Atiyya which is printed with a foreword by Dr. Hamed Dawood master of Ain Shams university in Cairo , in Beirut, Albalagh institute.


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