15 June 2009 - 19:30

The data that users of social network Facebook say confidential, in fact used by Israel to spy and obtain information.

According to sources, referred to by published by the French magazine “Israël Magazine”, the Israeli intelligence uses the information posted on Facebook Arab and Muslim users to examine their activities and ideologies they share.

About the secret of Israel became known in May 2001, says professor of psychology at the University of Provence Gerard Neeru, author of “threat posed by the Internet» (The Dangers of the Internet ).

«intelligence network consists of Israeli psychologists who” seduced “young people from Arab countries, especially those involved in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, as well as countries in Latin America”, — says Neeru.

A great number of men using the Web sites are trying to meet women. The professor warned that such attempts are not safe, because most reveal “weak points” fans like dating.

«It’s easy to spy on a man using a woman” – he said.

Israel is not the first time, accused of using social network for surveillance. In April this year, a Jordanian newspaper «Al-Haqiqa al-Dawliya» published an article entitled “hidden enemy”, which talks about the same method of espionage.

Young people are often placed in networks like Facebook for personal information, relying on intelligence that can easily make them your “prey”.

Social networks are not alien to politics, with their help, often organize protests and anti-government campaign, for example during the recent unrest in Iran. And it gives the Israeli intelligence valuable data on political activities in the countries of the enemy.

Now, the occupation forces, such as Israel or the United States, not necessarily use the traditional means of control and provocation: via Facebook can promote certain ideas, seeping into certain socio-political structure of any country writes “Islam is for all” with reference to the Al-Arabi “.
