Dr. Brant was working for a long time for the CIA but due to his improper use of money and authority he was discharged from his post. Upon this, he revealed many of the secret plans and eye opening facts.
Dr. Brant talks about the sum of 900 million dollars being fixed for these secret missions and drug money being taken from Columbia and Afghanistan for the same purpose. Yet, the drug money was not used for the purpose it was allocated for and even the other sum was not taken care of properly.
The aim of the research about Shias by them presents the Shia Mourning practices as a group of ignorant and violent people who create disturbances amongst the general masses and action large funds to disseminate such movements and promote the speakers who will speak in a way as to present Mourning as something illogical.
Dr. Michael Brant Reveals CIA Plans
Dr. Brant says that for the past many decades the West has governed the Islamic world. Over time the Muslim countries gained their independence but their concept of freedom, politics and culture was under the strong influence of the West, most especially in politics and finance. After independence, these countries did not give attention to the educational and cultural aspects making up society and continued to follow the "western thought culture" in the society.
In 1979, the Iranian revolution brought about an earthquake, shattering the long term plan being carried out for years and years. At the beginning it was thought that it was due to the suppression of The Shah of Iran that the civil war had begun. It seemed that the religious people and leaders (“Ulema”) were taking advantage of this for themselves. Hatred against the West in different countries such as Lebanon and Pakistan started to rise and the Shias became stronger.
The 1983 Conference
Looking at all this, in 1983 the high authorities gave a conference. In this conference the British secret service also participated. Britain having vast experience with these countries was to have key ideas about what to do with regards to the Shias.
It was decided that the Iranian revolution was not just a result of the Shah’s oppression but there were more realities and facts behind the scene. From which, the strongest factor was the Islamic authority being a guide to politicians and to manage the rule and politics of an Islamic country and the 1400 years old martyrdom of the grandson of the Prophet of Islam Mohammed’s (A) grandson Hussein (A). The mourning of Hussein (A) is celebrated by Shias with great sorrow and grief. These are the two factors due to which Shias seem more effective and active. In this meeting it was decided that Shia Islam must be understood and a project is to be launched for which a special section will be made. The budget fixed was 4 million $US.
According to Dr. Michael Brant, the project was divided into 3 stages:
In the first stage, research scholars were sent around the world from which 6 were sent to Pakistan. (Their names are available in the article).
In the Early Surveys Questions Such as the Following Were Asked:
First: Where in the world are Shias residing and how many per area?
Second: What is the social and economic status of the Shias and what are the differences amongst them?
Third: How to amplify the internal conflicts and disagreements amongst the Shias?
Fourth: How to magnify the differences already existing between the two major sects of Islam (Sunni and Shia).
Fifth: Why are they afraid of Shias.
After this research, They Came to the Conclusion that:
Shia Scholastic leaders (Marj’as) are the real strength of this (Jaffary) school of thought who protects the Shia faith in all time at all cost. They are very strong about the principles and beliefs. They have never, in the vast Shia history, given allegiance to any ruling authority that is not practicing Islam. It was Ayatollah Shirazi’s ruling that prevented the British from entering Iran.
In Iraq, the largest institute of Islamic teaching for the Jaffari (Shia) school of thought was in Najaf. Saddam Hussein tried to buy and control this institute but failed to do so. At the end he had to shut down the school and till this day it remains closed for public teaching.
While, all the other religious institutions in the world usually go along with the government. It was the religi