Holy Prophet Hazret Muhammad (S)’s sixth infallible descendant Hazret Imam Jafer Sadiq (AS) told one of his companions Moalla bin Khonays about Eid of Noroz: “Certainly the day of Noroz is the day when holy Prophet Hazret Muhammad (S) in Ghadeer-e-Khomm took oath from people for wilayat (mastership) of Amir-ol Mo’mineen Hazret Ali ibne Abi Talib (AS) (saying Mann Kuntu Maulahu fa haa za Aliyunn Maulahu ‘whomsoever I am master Ali is his master’) … this is the day when Hazrat Ali Mortaza (AS) became victor over people of Neherwan … and it is the day when Qaim-e-Ahli Bayt (Hazret Imam Mehdi (AS)) will reappear.” There is a tradition in Bihar-ul Anwaar: Mansour, the second Abbassid caliph, had asked the seventh Imam Hazret Imam Mousa bin Jafar Al-Kazem (AS) to take seat so that people may present him Noroz greetings and gifts. Seyed b. Taous, a great intellectual, wrote regarding Noroz that the start of universe was done on this day. Ibne Fahd Hilli says: “Noroz day is a valuable day, a day of grand status.” In Tehzeeb Al-Ahkaam (Tusi), Mann la yah-zorhu al-faqih (Sheikh Saddoq), Al-Kafi (Sheikh Kolayni), there are a number of traditions which highlight importance and significance of Noroz. Haj Sheikh Abbas Qommi writes in Mafateeh-ul Jinan Aamaal of Eid-e-Noroz which were taught to Moalla bin Khonays by Hazret Imam Jafar Saiq (AS). Imam said the Aamaal are: Take shower, Wear clean outfit, Perfume yourself, Keep fast, and A four-rak’at prayer. /106
source :
15 June 2009
7:30:00 PM
Noroz, beginning of Persian year, is Eid Day, a day of great happiness and pleasure. It falls on March 21 and is celebrated throughout the Muslim world.