29 October 2022 - 06:30
Iran UN envoy: US did not abide by Hague verdict to halt anti-Iran sanctions

Iran's permanent ambassador to the UN reiterated, "America has thus far refrained from abiding by the temporary verdict of the International Court of Justice at the Hague to end food and medicine sanctions against Iran."

AhlulBayt News Agency: Iran's permanent ambassador to the UN reiterated, "America has thus far refrained from abiding by the temporary verdict of the International Court of Justice at the Hague to end food and medicine sanctions against Iran."

Ambassador Zahra Ershadi emphasized that the United States is not only refraining from abiding by the temporary verdict of the International Court of Justice at Hague to end food and medicine sanctions against Iran, but also implemented a new round of such sanctions during the COVID-19 pandemic, to prove its practical disobedience against the verdict.

Iran's permanent envoy in UN General Assembly also reflected the Islamic Republic of Iran's viewpoints on the process of activities of the International Court of Justice at Hague.

The Iranian envoy at the UN said, "Presently we have files at the International Court of Justice at the Hague. One of them is titled "Some of Iran's Properties", which is about the blocked Iranian assets of the Iranian foundations, companies and government officials based on verdicts issued by US courts.

Ershadi reiterated, "Unfortunately, the result of US law-making, executive and judiciary system acts are in line with obvious breaching of the general international laws, and lead to breaking the immunity of the Iranian judiciary system and government, as well as some Iranian foundations, and the opening of some files against the government of the Islamic Republic of Iran, and some Iranian companies and government officials, following which 1.8 billion dollars of Iran's monetary assets, including the assets of the Central Bank of Iran, were blocked in line with implementing those illegitimate verdicts.
