AhlulBayt News Agency

source : Canoe

19 September 2020

5:55:31 AM

Islamophobia in Canada: Arrest made in slaying of Toronto mosque caretaker

“He (Zafis) was sitting in a chair” at the International Muslims Organization (IMO) mosque at 65 Rexdale Blvd. at about 8:30 p.m.. Saturday “when the accused (allegedly) walked up and stabbed him.”

AhlulBayt News Agency (ABNA): As ugly as Mohamed-Aslim Zafis vicious slaying was, the magnitude of what may have been behind it could make things even uglier.

Not ruling out this brutal knife murder being a potential hate crime, Toronto Police have arrested a 34-year-old Toronto man for theheinous murder of a Rexdale mosque caretaker.

Appearing before the media outside of 23 Division Friday Insp. Hank Idsinga announced charged with first-degree murder was Guilherme “William” Von Neutegem of Toronto.

“We identified him yesterday,” said Idsinga. “The investigation moved rapidly.”

They arrested him Friday. The inspector said it was a slam dunk first-degree murder charge.

“He (Zafis) was sitting in a chair” at the International Muslims Organization (IMO) mosque at 65 Rexdale Blvd. at about 8:30 p.m.. Saturday “when the accused (allegedly) walked up and stabbed him.”

The question is why? What is the motive?

“We are continuing to explore every possibility,” said Idsinga.

This includes it possibly being an Islamophobic hate crime. Mental health will also be explored.

“We will go to where the evidence takes us,” said the veteran homicide detective who heads the unit.

Police have an “open mind” that the investigation could lead them down the path of connecting the accused to Sept. 7 stabbing death of homeless man Rampreet (Peter) Singh, 39, whose body was found under a bridge less than 5 km. from the mosque.

“It’s to early to say,” said Idsinga.

He has 14 detectives working on every aspect of this heinous set of circumstances that shocked Toronto.

“There are several different avenues we are exploring,” said Idsinga.

The big question at the forefront now is who is Von Neutegem?

Social media posts over the past decade offer some clues with alternative thinking, mysticism, the occult and vast conspiracy theories being plentiful.

“There is death to the mortal to that which is immortal, only transformation,” is one example from 2018 the accused posted.

But there are many others which the police will go through.

Idsinga would not comment if he had any past run-ins with the law.

The investigation is certainly huge but only part of this story, as 23 Division Unit Commander Ron Taverner highlighted.

In briefing Zafis’ grieving family, Taverner said he was told they were appreciative of all the support from the whole community and from the Muslim community.

“More than 30,000 people” took park in the well respected 58-year-old’s funeral service.

“The family is obviously devastated by what has occurred,” said Taverner.

“But they very much appreciate the support.”

Taverner also spoke of the toll this has had on his officers and the Homicide squad who have been laser-focused on finding the person responsible.

“I know many of the officers worked 36 hours straight on this and did amazing work on it,” said Taverner.

Of course, officers work hard on every case but this one tugged at the heart strings since the victim is as innocent as one could ever get.

The loving father would volunteer his time to feed the homeless and help anybody who needed help.

The IMO was expected to issue a statement Friday night or Saturday.

This week, the IMO said there were “… no words for what happened to the member of this congregation,” but encouraged “our community not to speculate on what happened as the investigation is ongoing.

“Instead, we ask that you keep our brother and his family in your prayers.”

The police are taking the same approach. No speculation just investigating.

They were hard at it Friday night.

The first thing is to get the accused “before the court” and then start looking at where he was living and his day-to-day existence.

They have to do a deep-dive into Von Neutegem’s background and determine where he’s been in and what he has been up to.

“We have several addresses and vehicles to check out,” said Idsinga.

Another area they will check is his social media history, which appears vast and troubling.

One post from Oct. 2, 2012 stood out — saying “justice is not only the cause of evil actions but it rises from our (sic. Indifference), our ignorance, our lack of effort to make any significant change, to be the best we can be. The world is a reflection of what we are as individuals.”

Time will reveal who Von Neutegem as an individual.

History has already shown the kind of special individual Mohamed-Aslim Zafis was before he was murdered in cold blood.
