6 April 2015 - 12:23
“A Selection of Shia Supplications” Published in Italy

A book titled “A Selection of Shia Supplications” has been translated into Italian and published in Rome.

A book titled “A Selection of Shia Supplications” has been translated into Italian and published in Rome.

According to the website of the Islamic Culture and Relations Organization (ICRO), the collection includes 25 Du’a (supplications) such as Komeil, Nudbah, ‘Ahd, Iftitah and ‘Arafah supplications which have been selected from authentic Shia sources.

An introduction by Ghorban’ali Purmarjan, Iranian cultural attaché in Rome and Hojat-ol-Islam Sheikh Abbas Di Palma, head of Al-Mahdi Shia Association in Italy, has been added to the book.

It has been translated into Italian by Sheikh Abbas Di Palma, Hussein Morelli, Mauricio Tardoki, Sharif Salman, Enrico Galoppini, Mustafa Milani, Zeinab Donati and Hanie Torkian.

‘Irfan Publications has published the Italian edition of the collection in 1000 copies.

