1 February 2015 - 12:41
British Fascists Growing United against Islam

Anti-Islam sentiments are running high in the UK following the last month’s Charlie Hebdo attacks in France as British far-right factions unite against Muslims.

Anti-Islam sentiments are running high in the UK following the last month’s Charlie Hebdo attacks in France as British far-right factions unite against Muslims.

With the newly formed Pegida UK advertising for a spokesperson, the English Defense League (EDL) and Britain First - the most-established and active Islamophobic fascist groups in Britain - are ramping up their rhetoric against Muslims living in the country.

“True piss taking with Muslims in the midlands!” wrote one social media user on the English Defense League’s Facebook page set up as part of its preparations for an anti-Muslim demonstration on Feb. 7 in the West Midlands town of Dudley near Birmingham.

Bradley Doak is just one of many EDL fanatics who are openly voicing their hatred against Islam and plan to travel to Dudley, which has a Muslim minority, to join the rally.

The event has been promoted through social media and EDL’s official web site and focuses on a mosque that is planned to be built in Dudley.

Dudley Council’s leader, Councilor Pete Lowe, said in a statement on the council’s website that there was no legal power available to ban the demo and it may cost local businesses up to £ 1 million.

“We are clear as a community and as a council that the EDL is not welcome in Dudley borough, but there are no legal powers available to stop a static democratic protest,” Lowe said.

EDL’s demo will host not only the league’s so-called "divisions" of activists but also Islam-hating members of Polish, Belgium and Scottish "Defense Leagues" as well as Britain First, described by critics as a "fascist squad" and a newly founded organization which imitates the anti-Islamic movement which has rapidly gained support recently in Germany -Pegida UK.

Some members of the British Nationalist Party and UK Independence Party (UKIP) are also supporting the demonstration.

Paul Locke, who plans to join the rally, reveals that the rally will definitely turn ugly.

He posted on Facebook, “Will be there guys plus four with me. N.S. Butcher got me a pigs head for my lunch. £2.50p good guy.”

A counter-rally organized by United Against Fascism will also take place a couple of blocks away from the EDL demonstration.

Dudley Council has admitted that the demonstrations will put a momentary halt to everyday life in Dudley. Councilor Lowe said, “We are working closely with the police to minimize the impact on businesses in the town."

"The police are encouraging businesses to open as usual but we are aware that some may take independent advice and choose not to open or to close early on February 7.”

Britain First is a group that describes itself as a "patriotic organization". The group’s leader, Paul Golding, said in a video on YouTube that they are not a violent organization, but aim to stop so-called Muslim grooming gangs, claiming that such gangs exploit young Christian girls. Despite Golding’s claims, Britain First has provoked Muslims living across the UK in various “operations” by invading mosques, distributing controversial leaflets and disturbing worshippers.

The group uses ex-British Army Land Rovers, some of which were in service in Afghanistan.

Pegida UK is planning to hold their first event in Newcastle at the end of February.

EDL’s previous rally in Dudley in 2010 saw demonstrators clash with police and more than a dozen people were arrested.

