25 March 2024 - 06:38
 Global war against family

Promotion of sexual models and questioning of chaste lifestyle have turned into inseparable and clear part of many official and non-official institutions in the West.

AhlulBayt News Agency: Promotion of sexual models and questioning of chaste lifestyle have turned into inseparable and clear part of many official and non-official institutions in the West.

Changing immoral relations, which are contradictory to human nature, has turned into a part of the game design of advocates of Laicism that must be followed.

Belief dictatorship

In the European Union, Hungary and Poland, just on the allegation of rejecting dictated patterns of the European Parliament pertaining to acceptance of the lifestyle of homosexuals and other pervert sexual groups, are deprived of financial aids of the union and even, according to the evidence and documents, Muslim countries, too, are pressured by some UN bodies to recognize the "rights" of pervert sexual groups and the necessity to refrain from preventing their free activity.

When we put the parts of this game together, we reach a vague but targeted image. This is the very scheme of global war against family essence which has been planned in the think-tanks of official security institutions of the US and some of the European countries and is being implemented perceptibly while it has not been announced.

Global war against family essence can be analyzes from some aspects:

Reason for assault

 The first aspect is: why does it matter to attack family essence? Family as the main and most genuine institution of human communities is the cradle of natural human values.

Family is the most ethical human institution. Family is the most deeply-rooted and sincerest center of human emotions. Family is the first and most genuine center of education. If a society is deprived of this bounty, it has been emptied of genuineness, identity and spirituality. Then, mankind will face quasi-human machines that will not capitulate to anything due to the forged values of the owners of power. A world devoid of morality and spirituality will be a suitable place for exploitation of humans and ruling of carnal desires.

Expanse of war

The second aspect is the expanse of war. As it is clear from the heading, this assault is universal.

Years ago, when moral and spiritual values were being slaughtered in the West in the formats of Atheism, Epicureanism and Nihilism, no one thought that the assault would be so vast as to anti-value would replace value and anomaly would replace norm to spread in all countries.

Attacking the family essence through the West's highlighting and support for pervert sexual models, is not limited to a specific geographical boundary. As it was mentioned, we are facing a prevalent and global war in which each nation and follower of religions is addressed in one way or another.

Here the major strategy and the battle commanders of the enemy are the same. But the routs and tools applied by them for every religion, culture and nation are different. Now, one should be heedful of the nature and parts of the enemy's game. It means to read the design of the enemy's global war against family institution.

Women's role

The third aspect is to pay attention to women as the axis of family. This quintessential matter that woman plays the pivotal role in family, exposes the reason for the assault on natural values of women and concentration of enemies on this key axis.

If the women of a society lose their natural values, they cannot play a constructive role in family. On the contrary, they will cause the values of house and family to disintegrate. Broad efforts of immoral currents in different countries through the instrumental use of women with baseless slogans of freedom and women's rights have their roots in this issue.

Our confrontation

The last aspect is related to our confrontation with the official declaration of war by the enemies of morality and spirituality against the family institution. This confrontation will be feasible through the accurate reading of the enemies' game design, offensive and defensive measures in facing the enemy's cognitive war and creation of a global system with the aim of safeguarding human nature and the family institution.

Families and human beings, which approve and corroborate natural role models and bases of a healthy ethical life in various regions in the world, should be allied apart from geographical and religious attachments, and refrain from falling into the dangerous game of the enemies of family institution and identity so that they would be able to safeguard role models of a healthy life for themselves and their children and transfer these values to the next generations.

One of the practical solutions in this regard is to create global foundations and institutions by independent countries and nations to safeguard family.

This article was written by Hojjat-ol-Eslam Dr. Mohammad Mahdi Imanipour, professor of Islamic laws.
