The event was intended to encourage open discussion about Muslim customs and aimed to answer any questions non-Muslims may have about hijabs.
Any interested non-Muslim women were invited to don the headscarf for the day, or even just for a moment, in order to gain knowledge and insight about the culture of hijabs. The event was hosted by the Muslim Student Association and a discussion was held later in the day to answer questions and concerns of participants.
"A lot of people have misconceptions about the hijab,” said Danielle Gore chemical engineering senior and member of MSA. "The hijab is an absolutely essential part of our identity as Muslim women — it’s something we’re extremely proud of. It’s something that took a lot to put on, and it’s something we struggle with everyday. This is one of the ways we show our commitment to God.”
Gore said experiencing different cultures is important.
"Experiencing different cultures is an enriching experience that everyone should have,” Gore said.
Sarah Hemzawi, biomedical sciences graduate student, said the decision to wear a hijab is personal.
"You’re representing your religion majorly when you wear it. Whenever someone sees me — obviously I’m Muslim,” Hemzawi said. "I view it as I get to wear my love for God like a superhero cape around my neck.”
Free hijabs were offered by the MSA in the MSC for any women interested in participating in the holiday. A discussion later on in the day was held for non-Muslim women to voice how they felt while wearing the hijab.
Political science junior Dejah Williams said donning the hijab for the day gave her a new sense of sisterhood.
"Wearing a hijab for the day gave me a set of new eyes on the experience,” Williams said in the discussion Monday night. "It made me feel more humble and it also made me feel like I was a part of a sorority because whenever you see another woman in a hijab there’s a connection that you have with other people. It’s also just nice to see other people in a hijab because you’re in a place where Muslims are not as predominate — it’s really nice to have that type of sisterhood. "
Hemzawi said Muslim women empower themselves by saying they’re more than what their bodies are. She said choosing to wear this scarf was one of the most beautiful things she has ever done.
"I used to not wear it and going through high school I felt like I had to look a certain way,” said biology junior Salam Yamek. "After I put it on I found religion again and I wanted to show God that. So the hijab is a very literal demonstration of that. I’m wearing my love for God on my head. I mean, what is my hair compared to showing God how much I love Him?”
source : Agencies
2 February 2016
1:56:04 PM
The event was intended to encourage open discussion about Muslim customs and aimed to answer any questions non-Muslims may have about hijabs.