AhlulBayt News Agency

source : Press TV, HousaTV

15 August 2019

12:13:17 PM

AhlulBayt News Agency (ABNA): Nigerian Muslim cleric Sheikh Ibrahim al-Zakzaky sends a video message from India.

During this footage, Zakzaky said:

“In the name of Allah, peace be upon Mohammad and his descendants. Hello to you all and God bless you.

What I said yesterday at the moment we arrived here in India, we left Abuja on Monday and we arrived here on Tuesday, and that was the first time I uttered a speech. I also wanted to give a speech on Wednesday. I also need to say something today.

I realized what the Nigerian government said. They lied. I will tell the story right now.

We realized that they are trying to send us to a different hospital. They already had arranged the plane and they intended to take us to Fortis hospital.

They told us that it was the best hospital in India and they will take us there if we agree. In Nigeria, they are pretending that we have chosen the hospital, but they have told the hospital’s authorities that it was us who chose here.

The Nigerian government told the Indian counterpart that I am a terrorist and my disease is unidentified. Considering what they said as to be true, the hospital’s authorities started the medical tests from the very beginning. We have had already done all these tests in Nigeria and the disease was fully recognized. When they recognized my illness, they found out that for the cure I need to come here. But here in this hospital they told us that they know nothing and they have to start the tests from the very beginning.

We came here to take the bullets out, so how is it possible to pretend that the disease is unidentified? The problem is with the Nigerian government, they lied to the hospital authorities. The Nigerian government sent us as terrorists, and since we didn’t agree with Fortis hospital, Nigerian government decided to send us here in Medanta hospital. The hospital authorities told us that this is their law, and we have to obey this. As the base is a lie we cannot cooperate with it anymore. Yesterday we had a conversation with an officer from the Nigerian embassy and we told him if they are going to accept our conditions we prefer to go back to Nigeria.

The Indian government gave us only two hours to decide whether to accept the hospital’s conditions or to go back in Nigeria. We told them that we are not going to accept this and we prefer to go back to our country, but now, after 24 hours, they have not responded yet. There are a lot of other countries. We will go back to Nigeria and if any of them accepts our conditions we will go there. Goodbye.”


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