AhlulBayt News Agency

source : FNA

26 June 2019

2:38:23 PM

Iranian official:

Trump’s deal of century meant to expel Palestinians from motherland

Advisor to the Iranian Parliament Speaker Hossein Amir Abdollahian denounced the scheme proposed by US President Donald Trump which is called the “Deal of the Century”, saying that the plot is devised to strip Palestinians of their right over their motherland and to expel them from territories occupied by Tel Aviv.

AhlulBayt News Agency (ABNA): Advisor to the Iranian Parliament Speaker Hossein Amir Abdollahian denounced the scheme proposed by US President Donald Trump which is called the “Deal of the Century”, saying that the plot is devised to strip Palestinians of their right over their motherland and to expel them from territories occupied by Tel Aviv.

“The US is trying to take the issue of the displaced Palestinian off the agenda and is trying to lure some regional countries into settling them in their own territories,” Amir Abdollahian said in a meeting with Palestinian Islamic Jihad Movement’s Representative in Iran Nasser Abu Sharif in Tehran on Wednesday, noting that the scheme has been created to expel Palestinians from their own land.

He added the US' peace proposal for Palestine, or the so-called “Deal of the Century”, will definitely bear no fruit for Israel, and Tel Aviv will be the main loser of the plan.

“The US-proposed Deal of Century not only will yield no positive results for the Israeli regime, but it also will help boost the Palestinians’ and their supporters’ resistance,” the former Iranian deputy foreign minister affirmed.

“The Israeli regime will be the main loser of the so-called peace plan," he stressed, adding that "the US President [Donald Trump’s] undigested measures, such as relocating the Israeli capital to Jerusalem al-Quds, has widely been unappreciated throughout the world."

The official, further, criticized the “irresponsible behavior” of some Arab countries towards Palestine’s issue, saying, “Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain seek the recognition of the Israeli regime although this policy has been spurned in their own societies.”

Last Monday, Iranian Intelligence Minister Seyed Mahmoud Alavi and a high-ranking delegation of the Islamic Resistance Movement, Hamas, categorically condemned the US-proposed peace plan for the issue of Palestine, also known as the “Deal of the Century”, adding that the plot is only serving Zionists’ interests.

The remarks were made in a meeting between Iran's Intelligence Minister Mahmoud Alavi and senior Hamas officials, including deputy head of its political bureau Saleh Al-Arouri, a member of Hamas Political Bureau Hessam Badran, its foreign relations chief Osama Hamdan and its representative in Lebanon Ahmed Abdulhadi.

During the meeting, the two sides noted that the policies adopted by the United States leave no doubt that a series of pro-Israeli decisions made by the US president, which started with introducing the occupied East Jerusalem al-Quds as the capital city of Israel and moving Washington’s embassy there, will continue with lending full support to Israel’s settlement construction activities in the West Bank and the occupied part of the Golan Heights.

Elsewhere in their meeting, the two sides exchanged views about ways to promote relations and emphasized that such meetings should continue to counter challenges and dangers emanating from the US insistence on "the deal of the century," which has been rejected by all Palestinians and regional nations.

The two sides also discussed ways of countering other American and Zionist plots in the region, specially when they pertain to the issue of Palestine.

Early in this month, Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei, in a meeting with ambassadors of the Islamic countries and Iranian government officials on the occasion of Eid al-Fitr, underlined that Palestinians will reclaim their motherland in the very near future.

Ayatollah Khamenei said that relying upon the assistance of the Almighty God, Palestine will definitely be returned to its nation in the very near future.

Leaders of some Islamic countries are trying to reach a compromise with the Zionist regime and sow seeds of discord among other Muslim nations, he warned, and called on all Islamic states to make their utmost efforts to foil conspiracies orchestrated by enemies.

Earlier on the day, addressing worshipers in Tehran, Ayatollah Khamenei reassured that the so-called “Deal of the Century” plot of the US against Palestine will never materialize.

Ayatollah Khamenei, delivering a sermon at Imam Khomeini’s Mosalla in Tehran on June 05 after leading Eid al-Fitr’s prayers there, underlined that the upcoming US-devised deal, known as the “Deal of the Century”, on the Palestine issue is doomed to fail and will “never materialize.”

The Leader further rejected US President Donald Trump’s yet-to-be-unveiled deal on the decades-long Israeli-Palestinian conflict as “a betrayal of the Muslim world.”

Ayatollah Khamenei further denounced the Bahraini regime for agreeing to host a conference, where Washington is set to unveil parts of the plan later this month.

All Palestinian groups — along with the United Nations and several other countries — have boycotted the event.

“The objective of this conference is to materialize America’s wrongful, treacherous and evil scheme for Palestinians — which they (Americans) have called ‘the deal of the century.’ However, this will not happen, and this plot will never get off the ground, by divine grace,” the leader said.

Ayatollah Khamenei described the Palestinian cause against Israeli occupation as the “number one issue” on the agenda of the Islamic world, thanking those who have voiced opposition to the so-called “peace” deal and the relevant event in Bahrain.

“The treachery of some Muslim states such as Saudi Arabia and Bahrain set the stage for such an evil plot,” Ayatollah Khamenei said. “I wish Bahraini and Saudi rulers would (eventually) realize what a quagmire they are stepping in and what damages this will do to their future.”

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