AhlulBayt News Agency

source : Tasnim

24 June 2019

11:02:11 AM

Islamic Action Front in Jordan slam Amman over decision to attend Bahrain conference

The Islamic Action Front in Jordan strongly censored the Amman government for its decision to participate in an upcoming US-sponsored summit in Bahrain where Washington is set to unveil the economic dimensions of its self-touted “deal” on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

AhlulBayt News Agency (ABNA): The Islamic Action Front in Jordan strongly censored the Amman government for its decision to participate in an upcoming US-sponsored summit in Bahrain where Washington is set to unveil the economic dimensions of its self-touted “deal” on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

The Front, which is the political wing of the Muslim Brotherhood in Jordan, in a recent statement called on the Jordanian government to reverse its decision to participate in the conference and side with the Palestinian people, Press TV reported.

The conference is slated to be held on June 25 and 26.

The Islamic Action Front also said that the Jordanian government’s decision to attend the summit could confer legitimacy on the conspiracy being hatched against Jordan and Palestine.

This came after thousands of Jordanians took to the streets in the Jordanian capital, Amman, in protest at the US’ controversial plan on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, which US President Donald Trump has bombastically called “deal of the century.”

The plan, formulated by Trump’s son-in-law and adviser Jared Kushner, will reportedly deny Palestinians any right to a sovereign Palestinian state.

Jordanian officials have expressed concern that Saudi Arabia may be seeking to compromise the special status of Jordan as the custodian of the Haram al-Sharif in East Jerusalem (al-Quds) and surrender the Palestinian right of return in order to see the deal go through.

All Palestinian factions have boycotted the event, slamming Washington for what they view as an attempt to offer financial rewards for the Palestinians to accept the Israeli occupation.

The Palestinians have also rejected the so-called deal.

On Sunday, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas once again rejected the deal as “a humiliating blackmail.”

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