AhlulBayt News Agency

source : ABNA24

1 June 2019

3:21:53 PM

Quds Day in World-India;

Int’l Quds Day rally held in Kashmir (+Photos)

On 31st of May as of last Friday of the holy month of Ramazan, thousands of people came onto streets to mark International Quds Day in Kashmir. The protests took place in support of Palestine and other oppressed people particularly against the global oppressors like Israel and America.

AhlulBayt News Agency (ABNA): On 31st of May as of last Friday of the holy month of Ramazan, thousands of people came onto streets to mark International Quds Day in Kashmir. The protests took place in support of Palestine and other oppressed people particularly against the global oppressors like Israel and America.

The populous protests recorded mainly from main town Budgam, Chatabal Srinagar, Khomaini Chock Bemina, Mirgund Baramullah, Tengan, Rakhshalina, Balhama, Chadoorah, Kargil, Jammu and other parts.

The protests were showered with different and huge echoing slogans like “Down with Israel, Down with US, Free Palestine, Delete Israel, Oh the oppressors leave our first Qiblah” simultaneously followed with slogans “Free Kashmir, We want Freedom”.

It’s to be noted International Quds Day was firstly suggested by the founder of Islamic Revolution in Iran. He urged Muslims around the world to observe the last Friday of holy month of Ramazan as (Youm Al Quds). Against the Illegal occupation of Israel on Quds and Palestine by then was the first Qiblah for Muslims. And other world oppressed people.

"This day is a platform for every oppressed to get united against the world so called superpowers
to get rid of their continuous oppression" quotes Sheikh Gulam Hussian Matoo head of Muthari Fikri Wa Sakafati Markaz Kashmir,

“It is the day of standing with world oppressed people. May it be Kashmir, Palestine or other oppressed zones, even though the victim and oppressed is not a Muslim yet it’s obligatory to Stand with them as well. Similar was the motive of this rally today” says Wilayat Ali a protester from Tengan Rakhshalnia.

Many a witness the voices against world oppressive systems including Saudi Kingdom, Nigerian Government and Bahrain Kingdom. Whom protesters blamed of killing, oppressing and starving, for they oppose their oppressive traditional governing systems.

“This day is the golden gift from Ayatullah Khomaini (r.a) and Islamic Revolution that started this day to oppose the Zionist systems of Israel and US and their allies against the killings, torture, murder in Palestine since the illegal occupation” Aga Syed Hassan Huriyat Leader.

Simultaneously in many places, many small children were witnessed demonstrating by torching and kicking the images of Benjamin Netanyahu and Donald Trump. Naming them the two most wanted global terrorists.

“The day was not only limited to Quds or Palestine but was the day of Kashmir as well. We being Kashmiri should really care for Quds, for that’s a house of Allah. That’s our first Qiblah but at the same time we must stand for Kashmir as well. Simply a guide for the resistance of global oppressed people” added Sheilh Ghulam Hussain Joo Imam Jummah Tengan Budgam.

Furthermore this day was observed in every country of the world. Demanding the complete Freedom of the Quds and Palestine and end of the Zionist oppression and Illegal occupation of Palestine.

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