AhlulBayt News Agency

source : IRNA

31 May 2019

2:08:44 PM

In letter to leaders in Mecca Summit;

Iran's President terms ‘Deal of Century’ as conspiracy to destroy Palestine aspiration

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani in a message described the Deal of Century as a conspiracy for annihilating Palestinians’ ambitions, developing occupation and aggression against Muslim countries.

AhlulBayt News Agency (ABNA): Iranian President Hassan Rouhani in a message described the Deal of Century as a conspiracy for annihilating Palestinians’ ambitions, developing occupation and aggression against Muslim countries.

In his letter to leaders of Islamic States in Mecca Summit, Rouhani said as president of the Islamic Republic of Iran, "I express readiness for coordinating and cooperation with Islamic World family to achieve this holy aim."

He expressed regret for not participating in the meeting, and wished success in addressing Islamic World’s issuesو especially those related to Palestine and the Holy Quds.

While the Islamic world needs maximum coherence, convergence and cooperation against the joint enemy, we unfortunately observe some divisive measures to divert the Islamic world’s public opinion from the issue of Palestine which is the main issue of the Islamic world, he said.

Rouhani urged the Islamic World’s leaders to follow the Islamic unity path and not to permit enemies to divert the public opinion of the Islamic Ummah from oppressed Palestinians’ fate and the Israeli regime’s threats.

US acts to recognize the Holy Quds as capital of the Zionist regime of Israel, relocation of embassy from Tel-Aviv to Holy Quds and recognition of annexation of Golan Heights to Israel’s sovereignty are among US animosity against the Islamic World, he said.

He noted the US measures are in contradiction with international regulations, all resolutions and the decisions made by the Organization of the Islamic Cooperation (OIC).

These actions did not receive proper reaction of Islamic governments, Rouhani said adding that if it happened, the United States could not easily launch the plan to destroy Palestine.

He went on to say that the Deal of Century has dangerous regional dimensions and its owners are struggling to eliminate the Palestinian cause forever by undermining the Palestinians’ rights to determine their destiny and form a stable, independent state in their historic land with Holy Quds as its capital.

Elsewhere in his remarks, Iranian president called on the Islamic states to set aside conflicts and be united against the sinister conspiracy against Palestine and the Islamic World.

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