AhlulBayt News Agency

source : IRNA

29 May 2019

3:00:59 PM

Quds Day symbol of fight against global arrogance

The Permanent Secretariat of the International Conference on Supporting Palestinian Intifada issued a statement on Wednesday saying that Quds Day is regarded as symbol of campaign against global arrogance.

AhlulBayt News Agency (ABNA): The Permanent Secretariat of the International Conference on Supporting Palestinian Intifada issued a statement on Wednesday saying that Quds Day is regarded as symbol of campaign against global arrogance.

The statement also reads that resistance, fight against global arrogance and seeking martyrdom have proved declaration of the Holy Quds as capital of fabricated Zionist occupying regime as illogical and one-sided.

"If Resistance movement failed to bug down the Zionist regime, they had invaded other lands, including Egypt, Jordan, Iraq and Persian Gulf littoral states," it said.

Marking the historical event, the statement vows that the world freedom seekers will attend Quds rallies on the last Friday of the holy month of Ramadan to pay homage to ideals of late Imam Khomeini to liberate the holy Quds and occupied lands.

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