AhlulBayt News Agency

source : President.ir

29 May 2019

12:42:15 PM

Inviting people to attend Quds Day;

Pres. Rouhani: Iranian nation won’t leave Quds, oppressed alone

Iran's President called on people to attend the Quds Day ceremony in large numbers and stated, “The Iranian nation will never leave Quds and the oppressed alone”.

AhlulBayt News Agency (ABNA): Iran's President called on people to attend the Quds Day ceremony in large numbers and stated, “The Iranian nation will never leave Quds and the oppressed alone”.

Speaking in a cabinet session on Wednesday, Dr Hassan Rouhani said, “With their large presence in this year’s Quds Day protests, the people of Iran will voice their support to the oppressed, especially the people of Palestine, announcing that they will stand up to the oppressors until we reach victory”.

The people of Iran have always defended the oppressed in the past 40 years, he said, adding, “Palestine and Quds are code name for resistance of all Muslims, and Israel is the code name of oppressors in the world who want to oppress Muslims”.

He added, “The Iranian nation has always helped other nations, and we have helped the oppressed in Syria, Palestine, Lebanon, Iraq, Afghanistan and Yemen”.

“The oppressed people of Yemen and Palestine are resistant, not afraid of aggressors. They force enemies to retreat with their resistance and power,” continued Rouhani.

He said, “There was a time when the Palestinians used to defend themselves only with rocks and stones, but today, they have worked hard and developed a tool to give powerful responses to Israelis”.

Stating that, “Today, Palestinians respond missiles with missiles, in a way that after 48 hours, the Zionists were forced to retreat and their Iron Dom could not tolerate their missiles”.

The President added, “Although these nations are resistant, great and devoted, but on the other hand, the crimes of major powers in increasing and they are sending modern weapons to the region”.

“The Islamic Revolution of Iran and the late Imam Khomeini taught Muslims to be united,” said Rouhani adding, “All Muslim nations, especially the people of Iran, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon and other Islamic countries mark International Quds Day”.

He said, “The message of Quds Day is very important, saying that we will never forget the oppressed people of history and will not leave them alone”.

Dr Rouhani added, “Quds is a holy land for all God-worshipers and monotheists in the world, including Muslims, Christians and Jews, who used to live together in Palestine”.

Pointing out that the oppressed Palestinian nation have been displaced from their homeland for 71 years, the President said, “3 to 4 generations of Palestinians have not enjoyed security, freedom and peace, and their ancestral homes have been occupied and destroyed by the occupiers”.

The president added, "A big nation cannot be displaced like this, with other Muslims remaining silent as their brothers".

Dr Rouhani said that this year’s International Quds Day is different from past years, saying, “The enemies of Palestine and Quds have tried to undermine Quds' sanctity over the past year and have declared Al-Quds as the capital of the intruders and moved their embassy there”.

"Today, the conspiracy is not only against the Palestinian people, but against the region," the president said, saying that today, the reality of the talk of Deal of the Century is actually the Bankruptcy of the Century for its proponents.

Dr Rouhani continued, "The people of Iran have taken to the streets every year in every situation on Quds Day, showing their support to the Palestinian people and the Holy Quds, and this year’s protests will be more magnificent than the previous years”.

“The enemies who are claiming to have animosity toward the system are actually the enemies of the Iranian people, imposing sanctions on people’s everyday lives,” said the President.

He continued, “The yardstick is not what they say, but rather what they do. Whenever they stop hostility towards the Iranian nation, lift their unjust sanctions, live up to their commitments, and come back to the negotiation table that the left, the door is open”.

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