AhlulBayt News Agency

source : Rasa

28 March 2019

12:30:52 PM

Society of Seminary Teachers of Qom:

Deal of Century, Zionist plots won’t guarantee Israel’s future

The Society of Seminary Teachers of Qom issued a statement condemning the illegal ‎action of the United States in recognizing the rule of the Israeli government over the Golan ‎Heights.‎

AhlulBayt News Agency (ABNA): The Society of Seminary Teachers of Qom has ‎issued a statement condemning the ‎illegal action of the United States in recognizing the rule of the Israeli government over the ‎Golan Heights.‎

The Society of Seminary Teachers of Qom issued a statement condemning the illegal ‎action of the United States in recognizing the rule of the Israeli government over the Golan ‎Heights.‎

The President of the United States, Donald Trump, signed a decree recognizing Israeli ‎‎“sovereignty” over the occupied Golan Heights at the start of a meeting with Israeli Prime ‎Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Washington on March 25th.‎

The text of the statement is as follows:‎

In the Name of God, the Most Beneficent, the Most Beneficent ‎

For several years, the international system has witnessed illegal, illegitimate and violations of ‎international law aimed at flattering the Zionist lobby and getting rid of domestic and ‎international problems and the successive failures of the American government’s irrational ‎and disgraceful policies that have been announced by the country’s foolish president.‎

Illegal actions, such as the transfer of the American embassy [in Israel] to Holy al-Quds ‎‎[Jerusalem] and the Deal of the Century, are just part of the stupidity that has added to the ‎security problems and crises of the region.‎
‎ ‎
Following these unfounded steps, the president of the United States has signed a decree to ‎recognize the rule of the Israeli government over the Golan Heights. This action is a clear ‎manifestation of the ill and belligerent mindset of the American president and the apparent ‎intervention in the internal affairs of Syria is part of the puzzle of the Deal of the Century ‎by ‎the United States, which undoubtedly will be sent to the grave of regret, just like their other ‎fantasies.‎
‎ ‎
The Society of Seminary Teachers of Qom strongly condemns these false, hostile and ‎arrogant actions and declares:‎

Only the resistant Syrian people have the right to decide on the future of their country and ‎no one has the right to determine the fate of the occupied Golan Heights for any other ‎individual, group or government other than the Syrian people.‎

The arrogant Americans and Zionist occupiers must know that the Deal of the Century and ‎any other plan by the arrogant powers will not guarantee the future of the usurping ‎government of Israel and it is the only Islamic Resistance that will draw the new map of the ‎West Asia region, and undoubtedly, there will certainly not be anything called Israel in this ‎map.‎

Due to the blessings of God, the destruction of Daesh and Takfiri groups have given glad ‎tidings of a brilliant future to Syria and the Golan Heights. Undoubtedly, the Golan Heights ‎will be liberated which will make Syria, Lebanon and Iraq a cemetery for the aspirations of ‎the arrogant powers and Israel. The end of the occupation of the Golan Heights ‎will be the ‎greatest achievement of the Islamic Resistance Front and will complete the promise of ‎Israel’s destruction, God-willing.‎

May the peace, mercy and blessings of God be with you,‎

Mohammad Yazdi ‎

Head of the Supreme Council of the Society of Seminary Teachers of Qom ‎

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