AhlulBayt News Agency

source : Almasirah, ABNA24

8 January 2019

1:29:17 PM

Yemeni detainees in UAE prisons announce their hunger strike / Video

Detainees in the prison of Bir Ahmed, supervised by the UAE occupation, in the city of Aden, announced their determination to continue their hunger strike until their demands are met.

AhlulBayt News Agency (ABNA): Detainees in the prison of Bir Ahmed, supervised by the UAE occupation, in the city of Aden, announced their determination to continue their hunger strike until their demands are met.

New photos showed detainees holding banners saying they would continue their strike to death; if they did not respond to their demands to resolve their cases, bring them to fair trials, and immediately release those who had not been charged.

Prisoners who are on a hunger strike deliberately sutured their mouths in protest at their difficult situation and what they are exposed to, according to the images spread over social media. The prisoners sent a letter a few days ago, saying that 18 cases of fainting were caused by the hunger strike, pointing out that they hold the criminal prosecution responsible for their lives because they did not do their duty towards them.

The Associated Press revealed in June a new scandal committed by Emirati officers and their agents against hundreds of detainees in the prison of Bir Ahmed in Aden, and the US agency likened the methods of various officers to torture and sexual humiliation at what was happening in Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq during the period The American occupation.

According to the agency's report, about 15 UAE officers were involved in torture and sexual abuse, considering the report "a window on a world of mass assaults and impunity in prisons controlled by the UAE in Yemen."
