AhlulBayt News Agency

source : Mehr

30 December 2018

1:21:18 PM

Iran's Shamkhani: Regional nations not let implementation of ‘deal of the century’

Secretary of the Supreme National Security Council said that nations of the region will not let the implementation of ‘deal of the century’.

AhlulBayt News Agency (ABNA): Secretary of the Supreme National Security Council said that nations of the region will not let the implementation of ‘deal of the century’.

Rear Admiral Ali Shamkhani made the remarks in a Sunday meeting with Secretary General of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad resistance movement Ziad al-Nakhala in Tehran.

Iran has always been beside the Palestinian nation from the advent of the Islamic Revolution and this support continues through the complete victory of resistance movements, Shamkhani highlighted.

Elsewhere in his remarks, he regretted the supports of some Arab states for the US-proposed ‘deal of the century’, adding that the implementation of this will severely damage the Palestinian nation.

Today, the current course of resistance is achieving more success than ever against the domination system and this trend will undoubtedly accelerate the victory of the Palestinian people, he also noted.

For his part, Ziad al-Nakhala said that capabilities and potentials of the resistance movement against aggressors have significantly increased, adding that a manifestation of this capability was evident in the March of Return.

Touching upon efforts of some Arab and western states to break the resistance, he added that Palestinian people will continue this path through achieving the final victory.

The so-called “deal of the century”, was proposed by the US administration late last year under the pretext of reaching a peace settlement between Israel and the Palestinians. Palestinians believe that the US-drafted plan calls for keeping borders and security under Israeli control, while it keeps Israeli settlements’ final borders to be discussed in later negotiations.
