AhlulBayt News Agency

source : Tasnim

11 November 2018

3:30:15 PM

Hamas never allow 'deal of the century' to go ahead: Spokesman

A senior spokesman for the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement Hamas said the movement will never allow the so-called “deal of the century” to be implemented.

AhlulBayt News Agency (ABNA): A senior spokesman for the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement Hamas said the movement will never allow the so-called “deal of the century” to be implemented.

In comments on Sunday, Sami Abu Zuhri said Hamas would never allow the deal of the century to go ahead.

He also hailed the massive wave of protests known as the Great March of Return in Palestine as a process to defeat the deal of the century, an American-initiated deal for ending conflicts in the occupied territories.

Abu Zuhri further called on the Palestinian National Authority to, instead of chanting slogans, cut off ties with the Israeli occupiers and the US government, and let the March of Return be held in the West Bank.

In July 2018, Fatah Central Committee (FCC), chaired by Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, said it “reasserts the Palestinian position rejecting any political deal, whether it was called deal of the century or the Gaza deal.”

The so-called deal of the century was proposed by US President Donald Trump as part of plans to resolve decades of conflict between Palestine and the Israeli regime.
