AhlulBayt News Agency

source : KNSKashmir

27 December 2016

4:28:36 PM

Jammu and Kashmir Awami Action Committee (AAC) in Indian-administered Kashmir organized a Seerat conference at its party headquarters at Mirwaiz Manzil Rajouri Kadal in Srinagar on Sunday.

(AhlulBayt News Agency) - It was held with the presence of Kashmiri religious and political scholars, speaking about the life of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

The program was presided over by the AAC President and Hurriyat Conference (M) Chairman, Mirwaiz Umar Farooq while prominent Ulemas, intellectuals, religious and political scholars threw light on the different aspects of the life of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

In his presidential address Mirwaiz said that today when Muslims worldwide were caught in a web of both internal and external conflicts, the enemies of Islam were working overtime to ensure that Islam’s real message of peace and harmony does not reach the people which instead are distorted to present a bad image of Islam.

He said to counter this propaganda; Muslims need to follow the true path shown by Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and need to follow the message of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in every respect and implement in both in their individual lives as well as collectively to bring revolutionary changes in their lives and society.

He said the motive of organizing the Seerat conference was to spread the message of the beloved Prophet (PBUH) and to understand that Muslims would command respect only when they would follow the true path shown by Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in every respect and make him their ideal in every sense.

He said that it is not only the responsibility of the imams and religious scholars but every Muslim to propagate and implement the teachings of our beloved prophet in our day to day life.
