AhlulBayt News Agency

source : Taqrib News

20 December 2016

7:53:44 AM

Ethiopian religious thinker: Muslims should be given enough knowledge to fight takfiri ideology

Unity Week;

Ethiopian religious thinker demanded clerics and religious thinkers in Islamic Unity Conference to offer ways and road maps through which Muslims can fight with Takfiri groups.

(AhlulBayt News Agency) - Jimms University Lecturer, Tahir Mohammad Aliy, on the sideline of the 30th International Islamic Unity Conference urged the unity event's attendees, religious clerics and thinkers to provide Muslims with ways through which they can counter the willful measures of Takfiri and extremist groups.

Placing stress on the prime importance of knowledge, wisdom and foiling the hatched plots by the enemies, the Ethiopian religious thinker stressed, "Muslims should be given enough knowledge since the main problem Islamic nations should uproot is ignorance."

“The true Islam should be introduced by religious clerics and in doing so the best ways should be offered and proposed in these conferences and meetings,” underscored Tahir Mohammad Aliy demanding religious leaders and clerics to do their very utmost to this end.

“Participants in these seminar and gatherings should proposed ways for introducing the true Islam to the Youth,” underscored the university professor stressing the event attendees should attract the young generation by the humane and moral teachings of divine Islam.

According to the religious thinker, the hows of countering Takfiri groups is a “significant and admirable move initiation and directed by the World Forum for Proximity of the Islamic schools of Thought in unity area and other religious leaders should adopt similar stance for solving problems.”

“For fighting Takfiris and extremists in Islamic countries, religious clerics and elites should cooperate with each other and remove their misunderstandings," mentioned Jimms University Lecturer.

Else where in his remarks, he hold Islam Prophet (PBUH) as the best model for all humans, the religious thinker underscored, “if Muslims take this model in their lives, they can be powerful and progress in different fields.”

“Muslims all over the World should gather to fight the threat of Takfir and their evil crimes in oppressed countries,” pointed out Tahir Mohammad Aliy.

 “Islam is a powerful religion with high potential and if Muslims acts based on their religious rules, they can solve," concluded Ethiopian religious thinker. 

He thanked the World Forum for Proximity of the Islamic Schools of Thought for inviting hims to the great unity conference and evaluated.

The 30th Islamic unity conference entitled "Unity, Necessity of Countering Takfiri movements"  was held  in Iranian Capital City of Tehran with religious thinkers and elites across the globe in attendance.

Participants have declared that Islamic Unity is essential for confronting Takfiri thinking which was the main motto of the just concluded conference, topics such as Takfiri way of thinking, impact of Takfiry thoughts on unity of Muslims, threat caused by Takfiri thoughts against Palestinian Cause and obstacles created by such thoughts on the path of achieving Islamic unity and creating new Islamic civilization were also reviewed.
