AhlulBayt News Agency

source : Aimislam

16 December 2016

4:21:16 PM

10 inspirational quotes on Islamic unity by Imam Khomeini

In honor of the Birth Anniversary of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family), Muslims around the world are celebrating Islamic Unity Week. Here are 10 beautiful quotes by Imam Khomeini to ponder on in a time where evil entities are working tirelessly to disunite Muslims…

1. Those who want to sow discord are neither Sunni nor Shia

“Muslims should be awake, Muslims should be alert that if a dispute takes place among Sunni and Shi’ite brothers, it is harmful to all of us, it is harmful to all Muslims. Those who want to sow discord are neither Sunni nor Shia, they are agents of the superpowers and work for them.”

2. Islamic brotherhood

“If Islamic brotherhood comes to the fore among Islamic countries, such will become a great power which none of the global powers will be able to cope with. ”

3. Avoid every kind of dispute.

“Shia’s and Sunnis brothers should avoid every kind of dispute. Today, discord among us will only benefit those who follow neither Shi’ia nor Hanafi. They neither want this nor that to exist, and know the way to sow dispute between you and us.”

4. We are all Muslims

“We must pay attention that we are all Muslims and we all believe in the Qur’an; we all believe in Tawheed and must work to serve the Qur’an and Tawheed.”

5. Unite against oppression

“The Muslims must be a united Hand against all arrogance.”

6. None can rise up against them…

“If the Muslims were a united, single fist, none can rise up against them.”

7. Be active together

“Do not keep saying “unity but not go after it. Be active together, you are brothers to one another.”

8. All must be under the banner of Islam

All Muslims are brothers and equal, none is separate from another and all must be under the banner of Islam and of monotheism.

9. Muslims are brothers

“Muslims are brothers and will not be segregated by the pseudo-propaganda sponsored by corrupt elements. The source of this matter – that Shi’ites should be on one side and Sunni on the other – is on the one hand ignorance and on the other hand propaganda of the foreigners.”

10. Communities themselves must be a single Ummah

“The communities themselves must be a single ummah; they should assemble together and not be separated; they should not regard the borders as causes for separation of the hearts.”
