AhlulBayt News Agency

source : ABNA24

22 September 2016

8:42:59 AM

Horrific video: ISIS executes over 50 Iraqi Shia Muslims one by one / Graphic

Horrific video: ISIS executes over 50 Iraqi Shia Muslims one by one

(AhlulBayt News Agency) - A shocking video has been released showing mass executions of Shiite Muslims by ISIS thugs in Iraq.

The horrific footage, which is believed to have been released by the terror group today, shows masked militants methodically firing into the back of their victims' heads as they kneel in the sand.

Mass graves had already been dug in the sand for the men.

One of the men is seen in the video desperately pleading for his life before he is shot dead.

Many were made to show their ID badges - suggesting they could have been members of the Iraqi army.

The executed men were branded 'kuffar' by the ISIS thugs, meaning unbelievers.

The sequence of footage ends with a shot of around 50 men lying dead in a sandy trench.

The men had earlier been seen kneeling blindfolded indoors - including a man wearing a T shirt bearing the England Three Lions football logo.

As they knelt on the ground, their heads bowed, terrorists were filmed hitting them with sticks, and one man wept as he was interrogated.

Other blindfolded men were also quizzed by the terror group before being executed.

The video, released on ISIS terrorist channels, was purportedly filmed in Wilayat North Baghdad.