Muslim leaders and law enforcement officials in Orlando, USA came together on Friday to talk about Islam and about terrorism. The event was organized by the Muslim Council of America (MCA).
Dozens of people packed a room at the Rosen Jewish community center to listen to religious leaders, law enforcement officials, and congressional representatives.
“We as Muslims are just as afraid as everyone else,” said attendee Fawad Ahmed. “Being misrepresented by the events that are occurring by the people who are saying they are Muslim, but are not acting like it.”
At least eight people spoke about what the religion truly represents. Speakers like Sajid Chaudhry also talked about how events like the one held Friday can change the perception of Islam.
“The person who takes other people’s lives does not belong to Islam,” said Sajid Chaudhry.
Sheriff Jerry Demings also spoke at the forum. He talked about how the Orange county Sheriff’s office and Orlando police department are working together to make sure the community stays safe. Sheriff Demings held a news conference earlier that night about terrorism.
“If I can give any advice to the residents here in central Florida about the news that you have seen today, that advice would be very simple: get to know your neighbors,” said Demings.
Demings also talked about the importance of investigating complaints of bigotry.
source : Agencies
6 December 2015
2:43:25 PM
Muslim leaders and law enforcement officials in Orlando, USA came together on Friday to talk about Islam and about terrorism. The event was organized by the Muslim Council of America (MCA).