Hujjat al-Islam Javad Ja’fari, the director of the Institute for Theology of Hajj and Pilgrimage has spoken about the methods for building the love of Imam al-Mahdi in oneself and preparing for his advent.
“Mahdawiyah (Messianism) is an issue of belief and perspective and the future reappearance of Imam al-Mahdi is based on prophetic narrations and is a divine promise to the believers and a emblem of the correct path,” he said.
To recognize those who falsely claim to be Imam al-Mahdi from the Imam himself, Hujjat al-Islam Ja’fari has said: “Unfortunately, among the layers of society there are those who do not have enough information in regard to the false claimants of Mahdawiyah, although they may be experts in their own fields.”
His Eminence explained that in the traditions that we have about Mahdawiyah, it is said that Imam al-Mahdi will appear only after several significant and miraculous signs occur. The companions of the Imam, including the Yemeni and Khorasani figures, who have special characteristics, will appear prior to the advent of the Imam to prepare mankind for his advent.
“Those who are aware of these traditions will not be afflicted by the false claimants. Thus, those who accept a false claimant do not have sufficient knowledge of the narrations regarding Mahdawiyah,” Hujjat al-Islam Ja’fari explained.
He pointed to the sedition that has been created by Mahmoud al-Hasani Sarkhi in Iraq and said: “Because of the various wars and conflicts recently inflicted on Iraq by the Takfiri group ISIL and the remnants of the Ba’ath party, some people have reached a spiritual and social impasse and cannot imagine a way out. Those who do not have sufficient information about Mahdawiyah have accepted the claim of people, such as Sarkhi, who has claimed to be a representative of Imam al-Mahdi and has found a following.”
“In Iraq and Pakistan, the general knowledge, as well as the religious knowledge and awareness of the people religious propaganda is very low, so ignorance and the emotional and social needs of the people can cause the people of these nations to be attracted to these false claimants,” Hujjat al-Islam Ja’fari explained.
Those who have belief in Mahdawiyah can recognize their duties by studying the prophetic narrations. Imam al-Mahdi is the symbol of justice and when he appears, he will fill the earth with justice. Someone who is worthy of being the companion of the Imam will have to be ready to accept this justice and justice must be his first concern and he must be prepared to implement justice wherever it is necessary, even if it is to the detriment of his own relatives.
A narration states that anyone who wants to be a companion of Imam al-Mahdi must have good morals and institutionalize morality in their entire being. “Mahdi-like characteristics will become outwardly apparent when society obtains a Mahdi-like lifestyle and when people implement these characteristics in their individual lives. Mahdi-like characteristics contain elements such as justice and morality,” Hujjat al-Islam Ja’fari explained.
Hujjat al-Islam Ja’fari further explained that a Mahdi-like lifestyle can be obtained with the acquisition of just and pious characteristics: “Mahdi-like characteristics must be implemented in the lives of mankind, just as during the sorrowful month of Muharram when we wear black clothes and attend mourning ceremonies. During Muharram these Mahdi-like characteristics become apparent, [but they must be apparent all year long].”