AhlulBayt News Agency

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7 March 2014

8:30:00 PM

Sayyidah Zainab’s birthday celebrated in Kano - Nigeria / Pics

(Ahlul Bayt News Agency) - The Sisters Forum of the Shiite Islamic Movement in Nigeria under the leadership of Sheikh Ibraheem Zakzaky held its annual Sayyida Zainab (AS)’s birthday commemoration on Wednesday the 4th Jumadal Ula 1435 (5/3/2014) at the  Movement’s center in Kofar Waika, Kano.

Shaikh Muhammad M Turi was the special guest of honour. Other invited guest speakers include  Sister Ummul Khair Abdul Yasar who is the  head of Jamiatu Nana Hafsat and Sister Baraka Adama of  Naqiba Kadiryya organisation. Sheikh Turi, introduced by Sister Maimuna Abdullahi, delivered his lecture on the exemplary  of Sayyida Zainab (A) also called the Aqeelah bani HaSheem (the wise and talented of the Banu Hasheem).

The speaker gave a brief life history of Sayyida Zainab (A). Born on the 5th or 6th Jumadal Ula 5th year AH to Ameerul Mumineen Aliy (AS) and  Sayyidatul Nisail Alamin, daughter to the Noble Prophet Sayyida Fatimatul Zahra (A). She was named from a chosen named Zainab delivered by Angel Jibril from Allah. She was married to Sayyid Abdullahi bin Ja'afar and had five children Aun, Aliy Zainabi, Abbas, Ja'afar and Ummul Kulthum. She returned to the mercy of Allah 12 Rajab and buried in Syria.

Shaikh Muhammad Turi in his lectured talked on the different exemplary life of Sayyida Zainab (A) with respect to her  knowledge and teachings. The courage, resolute of Sayyida Zainab (A) made humanity to know what transpired in Karbala, thus making Women to be courageous not becoming a second fiddle to men especially when standing against injustice.

Mal Mustapha Limanci coordinated Ittihadul Shu'arah songs on Sayyida Zainab (A) and Ahlul Bait (A).
